The Week Of Monday 14 December 2015 Archives by thread
Starting: Mon Dec 14 00:03:21 CST 2015
Ending: Sun Dec 20 23:43:58 CST 2015
Messages: 1621
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Universal dynamic dispatch for method calls
Chris Lattner
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: label-only constructors
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: String literal suffixes for defining types
Alex Gordon
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Extend CG(Rect)Geometry with center methods
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] protocol can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
Paul Cantrell
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Re-instate mandatory self for accessing instance properties and functions
David Hart
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: label-only constructors
David Owens II
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Add replace(_:with:) function to the stdlib
- [swift-evolution] access control proposal
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Expose getter/setters in the same way as regular methods
- [swift-evolution] Closure delegation
Pierre Monod-Broca
- [swift-evolution] Method cascading (was Re: Request for Discussion: Setup closures)
Pierre Monod-Broca
- [swift-evolution] Closure delegation
Pierre Monod-Broca
- [swift-evolution] ternary operator ?: suggestion
Paul Ossenbruggen
- [swift-evolution] ternary operator ?: suggestion
Jakob Egger
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Implement a rotate algorithm, equivalent to std::rotate() in C++
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] STL (not!) (was: Proposal: An Either Type in the STL)
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] Mailman?
Jeremy Pereira
- [swift-evolution] Mailman?
James Campbell
- [swift-evolution] Is there a need for a BigNumber library in Objective-C/Swift?
Etan Kissling
- [swift-evolution] repeat loop enhancement
Brent Royal-Gordon
- [swift-evolution] Optional "endfor", "endif", etc after closing "}"
Etan Kissling
- [swift-evolution] Add unless/if single line syntax
Etan Kissling
- [swift-evolution] access control proposal
Ilya Belenkiy
- [swift-evolution] access control proposal
Ilya Belenkiy
- [swift-evolution] access control proposal
Ilya Belenkiy
- [swift-evolution] Streamlining closures
Etan Kissling
- [swift-evolution] protocol can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
Tal Atlas
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Re-instate mandatory self for accessing instance properties and functions (David Hart)
Rudolf Adamkovic
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Re-instate mandatory self for accessing instance properties and functions (David Hart)
Dennis Lysenko
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: String literal suffixes for defining types
Martin Kühl
- [swift-evolution] ternary operator ?: suggestion
Thorsten Seitz
- [swift-evolution] Proposal to remove semicolons
Marc Knaup
- [swift-evolution] Mailman?
James Campbell
- [swift-evolution] Proposal to remove semicolons
David Owens II
- [swift-evolution] Proposal to remove semicolons
Austin Zheng
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: "inout" in for loops
Joe Groff
- [swift-evolution] protocol can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
Joe Groff
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: An Either Type in the STL
John McCall
- [swift-evolution] [Accepted] SE-0007 Remove C-style for-loops with conditions and incrementers
Douglas Gregor
- [swift-evolution] Proposal for Package Manager Testing Infrastruture
Max Howell
- [swift-evolution] Proposal to remove semicolons
Colin Cornaby
- [swift-evolution] multi-line string literals
Kenny Leung
- [swift-evolution] multi-line string literals
Andrey Tarantsov
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Re-instate mandatory self for accessing instance properties and functions
Andrey Tarantsov
- [swift-evolution] access control proposal
Colin Cornaby
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: allow delegating from a throwing initializer to a failable initializer
John McCall
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Give weak references the ability to notify reference-holders when they transition to nil
John McCall
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: willGet
Etan Kissling
- [swift-evolution] multi-line string literals
Chris Lattner
- [swift-evolution] multi-line string literals
Chris Lattner
- [swift-evolution] multi-line string literals
Chris Lattner
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Add Safe Subquence Access Via subscript For ColloctionType
Daniel Duan
- [swift-evolution] Proposal to remove semicolons
Sune Foldager
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Give weak references the ability to notify reference-holders when they transition to nil
Greg Parker
- [swift-evolution] access control proposal
Colin Cornaby
- [swift-evolution] Proposal for Passing Arrays to Variadic Functions
Kevin Ballard
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Add replace(_:with:) function to the stdlib
Kevin Ballard
- [swift-evolution] multi-line string literals
Jordan Rose
- [swift-evolution] Disappearing AnyGenerator/AnySequence/AnyCollection wrapper types
Erica Sadun
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: remove "assert" and always use "precondition" instead.
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] Getting rid of willSet/didSet
Tino Heth
- [swift-evolution] Getting rid of willSet/didSet
Colin Cornaby
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: remove "assert" and always use "precondition" instead.
Amir Michail
- [swift-evolution] WYSIWYG Swift
Amir Michail
- [swift-evolution] ternary operator ?: suggestion
Jordan Rose
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Add generator functions to the language
Douglas Gregor
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: String literal suffixes for defining types
Jordan Rose
- [swift-evolution] Making protocol conformance inheritance controllable
Jordan Rose
- [swift-evolution] Is there a need for a BigNumber library in Objective-C/Swift?
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: newtype feature for creating brand new types from existing types
Russ Bishop
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Improve switch control flow substituting fallthrough with a more safe one
Jacopo Andrea Giola
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Powerful enumerations built upon protocols, structures and classes
Marc Knaup
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Extend CG(Rect)Geometry with center methods
D. Felipe Torres
- [swift-evolution] Equality of enum with payload
Jérôme Duquennoy
- [swift-evolution] Better Self support with class funcs
James Campbell
- [swift-evolution] Arrays and Optionals
Sean Kosanovich
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Powerful enumerations built upon protocols, structures and classes
Al Skipp
- [swift-evolution] Remove (!) logical negation operator
Bruno Berisso
- [swift-evolution] Explicit Protocol Conformance for Child Classes
Etan Kissling
- [swift-evolution] Mailman?
Robert Schwalbe
- [swift-evolution] Mailman?
James Campbell
- [swift-evolution] Changing postfix "self" to something clearer like "type"
Brandon Knope
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: conversion protocol naming conventions
Matthew Johnson
- [swift-evolution] Mailman?
Jacob Bandes-Storch
- [swift-evolution] Making protocol conformance inheritance controllable
Thorsten Seitz
- [swift-evolution] SR-104: Improve Crash-Safety when Importing Objective-C Code Without Nullability Attributes
Fabian Ehrentraud
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Add public(objc) modifier
Kevin Ballard
- [swift-evolution] ? suffix for <, >, <=, >= comparisons with optionals to prevent subtle bugs
Fabian Ehrentraud
- [swift-evolution] Streamlining closures
Jordan Rose
- [swift-evolution] [Review] Add a Lazy flatMap for Sequences of Optionals
Douglas Gregor
- [swift-evolution] Mailman?
Tino Heth
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Bitmask-style syntax for Method Chaining
Chuquimia, Max
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Keep var on Function Parameters and Pattern Matching
Francisco Costa
- [swift-evolution] Optional Setting
James Campbell
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Allow `[strong self]` capture in closures and remove the `self` requirement therein
Greg Parker
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Warn about implicit property access in own setter
Marc Knaup
- [swift-evolution] Fwd: Optional Setting
James Campbell
- [swift-evolution] Immediately-called closures should be considered @noescape
Brent Royal-Gordon
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: 'selfless' keyword for refactoring duplicate code from initialisers
Ross O'Brien
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Add implicit/default else-behaviour for the guard statement
Vester Gottfried
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: 'selfless' keyword for refactoring duplicate code from initialisers
Ross O'Brien
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Allow `[strong self]` capture in closures and remove the `self` requirement therein
Greg Parker
- [swift-evolution] Type information containing multiple additional protocols
Jordan Rose
- [swift-evolution] Swift 3 Generics
Matthew Johnson
- [swift-evolution] More flexible guard statement
Adrian Kashivskyy
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Will Fancher
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Will Fancher
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Al Skipp
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Andrew Bennett
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
T.J. Usiyan
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Al Skipp
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Andrew Bennett
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Matthew Johnson
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Austin Zheng
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Douglas Gregor
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Will Fancher
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Will Fancher
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Douglas Gregor
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Will Fancher
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
T.J. Usiyan
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Douglas Gregor
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Will Fancher
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
T.J. Usiyan
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Matthew Johnson
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Matthew Johnson
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Greg Titus
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Matthew Johnson
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Will Fancher
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Douglas Gregor
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Joe Groff
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Matthew Johnson
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Jens Persson
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Andrey Tarantsov
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Brent Royal-Gordon
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Andrey Tarantsov
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Al Skipp
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Will Fancher
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Will Fancher
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Krzysztof Siejkowski
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Andrey Tarantsov
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Andrey Tarantsov
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Will Fancher
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Andrey Tarantsov
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Will Fancher
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Jens Persson
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Krzysztof Siejkowski
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Andrew Bennett
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Stephen Christopher
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Matthew Johnson
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Andrey Tarantsov
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Brent Royal-Gordon
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Joe Groff
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Andrew Bennett
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Al Skipp
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Thorsten Seitz
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
André Videla
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Donnacha Oisín Kidney
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Krzysztof Siejkowski
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Brent Royal-Gordon
- [swift-evolution] Spread Operator as Shorthand for Map
Sean Kosanovich
- [swift-evolution] Mailman?
Rainer Brockerhoff
- [swift-evolution] multi-line string literals
Rainer Brockerhoff
- [swift-evolution] Remove (!) logical negation operator
Yichen Cao
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Add syntactic sugar for iterating over an Optional<SequenceType>
Marco Masser
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Add @requires_super attribute
Vester Gottfried
- [swift-evolution] [Review] Require self for accessing instance members
Douglas Gregor
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: [stdlib] Remove withUnsafe[Mutable]Pointer[s]()
Kevin Ballard
- [swift-evolution] Allow strengthening argument types in functions declared for protocol conformance
Terrence Katzenbaer
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Extend the &x -> UnsafePointer behavior to work with immutable values
Kevin Ballard
- [swift-evolution] [Review] Require self for accessing instance members
Colin Cornaby
- [swift-evolution] Allow strengthening argument types in functions declared for protocol conformance
Terrence Katzenbaer
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: [stdlib] Remove withUnsafe[Mutable]Pointer[s]()
Rainer Brockerhoff
- [swift-evolution] Allow strengthening argument types in functions declared for protocol conformance
Terrence Katzenbaer
- [swift-evolution] Method cascading (was Re: Request for Discussion: Setup closures)
Tino Heth
- [swift-evolution] Allow strengthening argument types in functions declared for protocol conformance
Terrence Katzenbaer
- [swift-evolution] [Review] Require self for accessing instance members
Radosław Pietruszewski
- [swift-evolution] [Review] Require self for accessing instance members
Hirad Motamed
- [swift-evolution] Drafting a proposal: Make conflicting with protocol extension methods an error
Brent Royal-Gordon
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0009: Require self for accessing instance members
Brent Royal-Gordon
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Expose getter/setters in the same way as regular methods
Joe Groff
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Replace logical AND (&&) and OR (||) operators with natural language "and" and "or"
Yannik Bloscheck
- [swift-evolution] [Review] Require self for accessing instance members
Denis Nikitenko
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal Idea] catching functions for composable and cps error handling
Matthew Johnson
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal Idea] catching functions for composable and cps error handling
Matthew Johnson
- [swift-evolution] [Review] Require self for accessing instance members
Félix Cloutier
- [swift-evolution] Bool vs. Optional<Void>
Brent Royal-Gordon
- [swift-evolution] let type binding
James Campbell
- [swift-evolution] Pre proposal: Should there be a way to distinguish class instances from struct instances
Daniel Steinberg
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)
Al Skipp
- [swift-evolution] References in Value Types (Deep-Copy-OnWrite)
Andrew Bennett
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Python's "in" and "not in" syntactic sugar
Amir Michail
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: partial initialization before returning nil from an initializer
Félix Cloutier
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Add @noescape to the transform parameter of 'SequenceType.flatMap'
Meador Inge
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Python's list, generator, and dictionary comprehensions
Amir Michail
- [swift-evolution] Proposal to change subscript value type on Array and other collection types.
mich at
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: 0009 Require self for accessing instance members
me at
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Property behaviors
Joe Groff
- [swift-evolution] 3.0 if-var workaround construction question
Erica Sadun
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Python's multiple comparisons and multiple assignments
Amir Michail
- [swift-evolution] Request to add middle dot (U+00B7) as operator character?
Ethan Tira-Thompson
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Factory Initializers
Riley Testut
- [swift-evolution] Make non-void functions @warn_unused_result by default
Tino Heth
- [swift-evolution] higher kinded types vs Python's syntactic sugars
Amir Michail
- [swift-evolution] Make non-void functions @warn_unused_result by default
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] Final by default for classes and methods
Javier Soto
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Property behaviors
Berik Visschers
- [swift-evolution] RFC: Proposed rewrite of Unmanaged<T>
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] Final by default for classes and methods
Rod Brown
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal Idea] dot shorthand for instance members
Matthew Johnson
- [swift-evolution] Readwrite reflection in Swift
Gergely Orosz
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Allow Type Annotations on Throws
David Owens II
- [swift-evolution] Shift operator: the type of the second operand
Jeremy Pereira
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Python's indexing and slicing
Amir Michail
- [swift-evolution] Require self for accessing instance members
Pelaia II, Tom
- [swift-evolution] Tuple accessor shorthand
Alexandre Lopoukhine
- [swift-evolution] [Pitch] Use enums as enum underlying types
Félix Cloutier
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Replace thin arrows (->) with fat arrows (=>)
David Fekke
- [swift-evolution] [Review] Constraining AnySequence.init
Douglas Gregor
- [swift-evolution] [Review] Resend: Constraining AnySequence.init
Douglas Gregor
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Add .times method to Integer type
Cihat Gündüz
- [swift-evolution] Proposal - Allow properties in Extensions
Nutchaphon Rewik
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Swift 2.2: #if swift language version
David Farler
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Remove % operator for floating-point types
Stephen Canon
- [swift-evolution] Trial balloon: Ensure that String always contains valid Unicode
Paul Cantrell
- [swift-evolution] do try catch?
John McCall
- [swift-evolution] [Review] Require self for accessing instance members
William Shipley
- [swift-evolution] [Pitch] Replace 'inout' with '&'
Joe Groff
- [swift-evolution] Unmanaged, and COpaquePointer vs. Unsafe(Mutable)Pointer
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] Make non-void functions @warn_unused_result by default
Kenny Leung
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] function "return" optional keyword.
Craig Cruden
- [swift-evolution] rethrows as first-class type annotation
Alexandre Lopoukhine
- [swift-evolution] Proposal Sketch: simplify optional unwrapping syntax
Chris Lattner
- [swift-evolution] Proposal Sketch: simplify optional unwrapping syntax
Chris Lattner
- [swift-evolution] Fluent syntax (replacing void with a useful default return value)
Tino Heth
- [swift-evolution] [SE-0011] Re-considering the replacement keyword for "typealias"
Loïc Lecrenier
- [swift-evolution] [Pitch] make @noescape the default
Matthew Johnson
- [swift-evolution] [SE-0011] Re-considering the replacement keyword for "typealias"
Michael Henson
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Rewrite Swift compiler in swift to get ideas for further language evolution.
Amir Michail
- [swift-evolution] RFC: Proposed rewrite of Unmanaged<T>
Rainer Brockerhoff
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Remove % operator for floating-point types
Charles Kissinger
- [swift-evolution] Brace syntax
Alexander Regueiro
- [swift-evolution] Final by default for classes and methods
Jordan Rose
- [swift-evolution] Using "where" to filter an array
Charles Constant
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal idea] Improved interop for ErrorType->NSError
Charles Srstka
- [swift-evolution] [SE-0011] Re-considering the replacement keyword for "typealias"
Kelly Gerber
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal idea] Support for pure functions
Jimmy Sambuo
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Lock file for Swift Package Manager
Ankit Agarwal
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Make braces optional much like semicolons.
Amir Michail
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Port open source productivity apps to Swift to gain insight into language evolution.
Amir Michail
- [swift-evolution] ternary operator ?: suggestion
Alexandre Lopoukhine
- [swift-evolution] [Pitch] Clarify behavior of comments near operators
Jesse Rusak
- [swift-evolution] SR-227 Remove C-style for loops
G Alexander
- [swift-evolution] Character vs. String literals
Andrew Duncan
- [swift-evolution] ternary operator ?: suggestion
Howard Lovatt
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: A standard library Fraction type
T.J. Usiyan
- [swift-evolution] Proposal: Add .times method to Integer type
Howard Lovatt
- [swift-evolution] Run Swift code at compile time
Tyler Fleming Cloutier
Last message date:
Sun Dec 20 23:43:58 CST 2015
Archived on: Mon Dec 21 11:18:48 CST 2015
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).