[swift-evolution] [Proposal idea] Improved interop for ErrorType->NSError

Charles Srstka cocoadev at charlessoft.com
Sat Dec 19 21:49:59 CST 2015

This is a bit of a pre-proposal; I wanted to bounce some ideas off the community before writing up a formal proposal, to see how people felt about this.

The Problem:

Swift introduces the very nifty ErrorType protocol, which, if implemented as an enum, allows one to associate arguments with the specific error cases with which they are relevant, as in this example:

enum MyError: ErrorType {
    case JustFouledUp
    case CouldntDealWithFile(url: NSURL)
    case CouldntDealWithSomeValue(value: Int)

This is great, because it ensures that the file-related error will always have a URL object, whereas it won’t be included in the cases where it is irrelevant.

Unfortunately, the Cocoa APIs needed to display an error object to the user all take NSErrors, and the conversion from other ErrorTypes to NSErrors is not very good; using “as NSError” to convert a MyError will result in something that has all of the associated values removed, and the message displayed to the user will be a cryptic and not particularly user-friendly “MyError error 1” rather than something more descriptive. One can define an “toNSError()” method on one’s own error type that will properly propagate the NSError’s userInfo dictionary such that it will be displayed in a more meaningful way:

enum MyError: ErrorType {
    case JustFouledUp
    case CouldntDealWithFile(url: NSURL)
    case CouldntDealWithSomeValue(value: Int)

    func toNSError() -> NSError {
        var userInfo = [String : AnyObject]()
        let code: Int
        switch self {
        case .JustFouledUp:
            userInfo[NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey] = "Something fouled up!"
            code = 0
        case let .CouldntDealWithFile(url):
            userInfo[NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey] = "Something went wrong with the file \(url.lastPathComponent ?? "(null)")."
            userInfo[NSURLErrorKey] = url
            code = 1
        case let .CouldntDealWithSomeValue(value):
            userInfo[NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey] = "This value isn't legit for some reason: \(value)"
            code = 2
        return NSError(domain: "MyError", code: code, userInfo: userInfo)

However, since this method will only be invoked if called explicitly, one has to make sure to include .toNSError() every time when throwing an error object, or else it will not display properly; one can never just throw a MyError object. This is error-prone (no pun intended), and also prevents things like making the error conform to Equatable and comparing it against an ErrorType we received from some other method.

I propose an addition to the ErrorType protocol, provisionally entitled “toNSError()”, but which another name could be given if something else is determined to be more appropriate. This method would be called by the system whenever “as NSError” is called on something that implements ErrorType. While this method would be added to the protocol, a default implementation would be provided in an extension, so that implementers of ErrorType would never actually need to override it unless very specific customization was required. For this default implementation, several other properties corresponding to some of the more commonly-used NSError keys (defined with default implementations returning nil) would be defined and referenced, and anything that returned non-nil would be packaged into a userInfo dictionary, like so:

protocol ErrorType {
    var description: String? { get }
    var failureReason: String? { get }
    var recoverySuggestion: String? { get }
    var recoveryOptions: [String]? { get }
    var recoveryAttempter: AnyObject? { get }
    var helpAnchor: String? { get }
    var underlyingError: ErrorType? { get }
    var URL: NSURL? { get }
    func toNSError() -> NSError

extension ErrorType {
    var description: String? { return nil }
    var failureReason: String? { return nil }
    var recoverySuggestion: String? { return nil }
    var recoveryOptions: [String]? { return nil }
    var recoveryAttempter: AnyObject? { return nil }
    var helpAnchor: String? { return nil }
    var underlyingError: ErrorType? { return nil }
    var URL: NSURL? { return nil }
    func toNSError() -> NSError {
        let domain = // do what “as NSError” currently does to generate the domain
        let code = // do what “as NSError” currently does to generate the code
        var userInfo = [String : AnyObject]()
        if let description = self.description {
            userInfo[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey] = description

        if let failureReason = self.failureReason {
            userInfo[NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey] = failureReason
        if let suggestion = self.recoverySuggestion {
            userInfo[NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey] = suggestion
        if let options = self.recoveryOptions {
            userInfo[NSLocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey] = options
        if let attempter = self.recoveryAttempter {
            userInfo[NSRecoveryAttempterErrorKey] = attempter

        if let anchor = self.helpAnchor {
            userInfo[NSHelpAnchorErrorKey] = anchor
        if let underlying = self.underlyingError {
            userInfo[NSUnderlyingErrorKey] = underlying.toNSError()
        if let url = self.URL {
            userInfo[NSURLErrorKey] = url
            if url.fileURL, let path = url.path {
                userInfo[NSFilePathErrorKey] = path
        return NSError(domain: domain, code: code, userInfo: userInfo)

Thanks to all the default implementations, the error type would only have to implement the properties corresponding to the userInfo keys that the implementer deems relevant, as in:

enum MyError: ErrorType {
    case JustFouledUp
    case CouldntDealWithFile(url: NSURL)
    case CouldntDealWithSomeValue(value: Int)
    var failureReason: String? {
        switch self {
        case .JustFouledUp:
            return "Something fouled up!"
        case let .CouldntDealWithFile(url):
            return "Something went wrong with the file \(url.lastPathComponent ?? "(null)")."
        case let .CouldntDealWithSomeValue(value):
            return "This value isn't legit for some reason: \(value)"
    var URL: NSURL? {
        switch self {
        case let .CouldntDealWithFile(url):
            return url
            return nil

This could then be created and passed to an API taking an NSError like so:

let err = MyError.CouldntDealWithFile(url: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "/path/to/file"))

NSApp.presentError(err as NSError)

and everything would be properly presented to the user.

Similar functionality could be added to the protocol for conversions in the other direction, although this would be more difficult and would require more work on the implementer’s part.

The biggest problem I see to the idea is the use of references to Foundation types—NSError and NSURL—in the ErrorType definition, which may be undesired in a pure-Swift environment. In particular, usage of the NSURL type for the ‘URL’ property, which could have useful applications outside of simple Obj-C interop, could be irksome. Normally I would just propose adding things in an extension, but of course in this case, declaring methods in protocol extensions causes them to be statically dispatched, which could result in the wrong methods being called if the caller thought it was looking at a generic ErrorType rather than the specific concrete type. Perhaps this could spark a new discussion on whether there ought to be a way to declare dynamically-dispatched methods in protocol extensions. It’s also possible that Swift could use a built-in URL type, equivalent to Foundation’s NSURL, eliminating the need for any NS types other than NSError here. It’s also possible that since there appears to be an open-source implementation of Foundation in the github repository, that this isn’t even an issue and is something we can just leave in. At any rate, I thought this might be an interesting starting point for discussion.

Of course, an alternative solution could be to define “domain”, “code”, and “userInfo” properties (I know the first two are already in there, but this would make them public) in the protocol and just use those. These could also get default implementations that would work similarly to what is above, which, if Swift gained a native URL type, could completely eliminate Foundation types from the public interface.

What do you think?


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