[swift-evolution] let type binding

James Campbell james at supmenow.com
Thu Dec 17 05:59:05 CST 2015

Currently swift lets you to bind a value to let once:


let value: UIViewController

if (condition)
   value = controllerA
  value = controllerB

But currently I have to cast the variable within these blocks to access the
property. It would be great if Swift could treat the let value as being the
type of the object I am setting just for this closure/block (Obviously we
can only set it to a value that matches the type above.)

So I could literally go like this:

let value: UIViewController

if (condition)
   value = controllerA
   value.controllerAProperty = []
  value = controllerB
  value.controllerBProperty = []

 Wizard
james at supmenow.com
+44 7523 279 698
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