The Week Of Monday 8 August 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Aug 8 06:35:39 CDT 2016
Ending: Sun Aug 14 20:43:04 CDT 2016
Messages: 176
- [swift-evolution] [Pre-Proposal-Discussion] Union Type - Swift 4
frogcjn at
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0136: Memory Layout of Values
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] Why does URL.checkResourceIsReachable() return a Bool?
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] ExpressibleByStringInterpolation vs. String re-evaluation vs. Regex
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0136: Memory Layout of Values
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] ExpressibleByStringInterpolation vs. String re-evaluation vs. Regex
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] Swiftier implementation of Measurement and Unit
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [swift-evolution-announce] [Review] SE-0137: Avoiding Lock-In to Legacy Protocol Designs
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [Swift 4.0] Conditional conformances via protocol extensions
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [Accepted] SE-0136: Memory Layout of Values
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Dave Abrahams
- [swift-evolution] ABI in Layman's terms?
Magnus Ahltorp
- [swift-evolution] [late pitch] UnsafeBytes proposal
Magnus Ahltorp
- [swift-evolution] Location of ! in Boolean negation expressions
James Andrews
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0136: Memory Layout of Values
Kevin Ballard
- [swift-evolution] Why does URL.checkResourceIsReachable() return a Bool?
Kevin Ballard
- [swift-evolution] Why does URL.checkResourceIsReachable() return a Bool?
Kevin Ballard
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Kevin Ballard
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Kevin Ballard
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Kevin Ballard
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Kevin Ballard
- [swift-evolution] [swift-evolution-announce] [Review] SE-0137: Avoiding Lock-In to Legacy Protocol Designs
Kevin Ballard
- [swift-evolution] ExpressibleByStringInterpolation vs. String re-evaluation vs. Regex
Jacob Bandes-Storch
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0137: Avoiding Lock-In to Legacy Protocol Designs
Rod Brown
- [swift-evolution] [Pre-Proposal-Discussion] Union Type - Swift 4
Step C
- [swift-evolution] [Pre-Proposal-Discussion] Union Type - Swift 4
Cao, Jiannan
- [swift-evolution] [Pre-Proposal-Discussion] Union Type - Swift 4
Cao, Jiannan
- [swift-evolution] [Pre-Proposal-Discussion] Union Type - Swift 4
Cao, Jiannan
- [swift-evolution] Swiftier implementation of Measurement and Unit
Joanna Carter
- [swift-evolution] ABI of throwing
Félix Cloutier
- [swift-evolution] More fine tuning optimization to swift compiler
Félix Cloutier
- [swift-evolution] ABI of throwing
Félix Cloutier
- [swift-evolution] [late pitch] UnsafeBytes proposal
Félix Cloutier
- [swift-evolution] Why have both bit-wise and logical operators?
Félix Cloutier
- [swift-evolution] [late pitch] UnsafeBytes proposal
Félix Cloutier
- [swift-evolution] Proposal for swift build linux on Mac os x
Félix Cloutier
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Sealed classes by default
Félix Cloutier
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Sealed classes by default
Jean-Daniel Dupas
- [swift-evolution] More fine tuning optimization to swift compiler
Erik Eckstein
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Paulo Faria
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Paulo Faria
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0136: Memory Layout of Values
Will Field-Thompson
- [swift-evolution] [Swift 4.0] Conditional conformances via protocol extensions
Douglas Gregor
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Dmitri Gribenko
- [swift-evolution] ABI of throwing
Joe Groff
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Joe Groff
- [swift-evolution] ABI of throwing
David Hart
- [swift-evolution] ABI in Layman's terms?
David Hart
- [swift-evolution] [Pre-Proposal-Discussion] Union Type - Swift 4
Sean Heber
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Sealed classes by default
John Holdsworth
- [swift-evolution] ABI in Layman's terms?
Jonathan Hull
- [swift-evolution] ABI in Layman's terms?
Jonathan Hull
- [swift-evolution] ABI in Layman's terms?
Jonathan Hull
- [swift-evolution] Which functionality should be covered by a native Swift math/numerics library that ships with the standard lib?
Maximilian Hünenberger
- [swift-evolution] [Pre-Proposal-Discussion] Union Type - Swift 4
Maximilian Hünenberger
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Michael Ilseman
- [swift-evolution] Proposal for swift build linux on Mac os x
Saagar Jha
- [swift-evolution] [Pre-Proposal-Discussion] Union Type - Swift 4
Cao Jiannan
- [swift-evolution] [Pre-Proposal-Discussion] Union Type - Swift 4
Cao Jiannan
- [swift-evolution] [Pre-Proposal-Discussion] Union Type - Swift 4
Cao Jiannan
- [swift-evolution] [Accepted] SE-0091: Improving operator requirements in protocols
Cao Jiannan
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0136: Memory Layout of Values
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
- [swift-evolution] Swiftier implementation of Measurement and Unit
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Sealed classes by default
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0136: Memory Layout of Values
Brandon Knope
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0136: Memory Layout of Values
Brandon Knope
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Christopher Kornher
- [swift-evolution] [Accepted] SE-0112: Improved NSError Bridging
Christopher Kornher
- [swift-evolution] [Pre-Proposal-Discussion] Union Type - Swift 4
Chris Lattner
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Chris Lattner
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Sealed classes by default
Chris Lattner
- [swift-evolution] More fine tuning optimization to swift compiler
Muse M
- [swift-evolution] ABI of throwing
Goffredo Marocchi
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Goffredo Marocchi
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Goffredo Marocchi
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Goffredo Marocchi
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Goffredo Marocchi
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Goffredo Marocchi
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Sealed classes by default
Goffredo Marocchi
- [swift-evolution] More fine tuning optimization to swift compiler
John McCall
- [swift-evolution] ABI of throwing
John McCall
- [swift-evolution] ABI of throwing
John McCall
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0137: Avoiding Lock-In to Legacy Protocol Designs
John McCall
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0137: Avoiding Lock-In to Legacy Protocol Designs
John McCall
- [swift-evolution] ABI in Layman's terms?
John McCall
- [swift-evolution] Why have both bit-wise and logical operators?
John McCall
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0136: Memory Layout of Values
Hooman Mehr
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Charlie Monroe
- [swift-evolution] Binary framework distribution?
Charlie Monroe
- [swift-evolution] [Pre-Proposal-Discussion] Union Type - Swift 4
Charlie Monroe
- [swift-evolution] ABI in Layman's terms?
Charlie Monroe
- [swift-evolution] Swiftier implementation of Measurement and Unit
Silvan Mosberger
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Sealed classes by default
Jean-Denis Muys
- [swift-evolution] [Pre-Proposal-Discussion] Union Type - Swift 4
Johannes Neubauer
- [swift-evolution] Secure Coding Guideline and SWIFT 3.0 release
Sunil Pandey
- [swift-evolution] [Pitch] Rename Mirror
Slava Pestov
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Slava Pestov
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Slava Pestov
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Slava Pestov
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Slava Pestov
- [swift-evolution] ABI in Layman's terms?
Slava Pestov
- [swift-evolution] ABI in Layman's terms?
Slava Pestov
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Slava Pestov
- [swift-evolution] [Proposal] Normalize Unicode Identifiers
João Pinheiro
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Ben Rimmington
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Ben Rimmington
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Ben Rimmington
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Ben Rimmington
- [swift-evolution] Use lowerCamelCase for @warn_unqualified_access attribute?
Ben Rimmington
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Ben Rimmington
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Ben Rimmington
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Ben Rimmington
- [swift-evolution] ABI of throwing
Brent Royal-Gordon
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0136: Memory Layout of Values
Brent Royal-Gordon
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Brent Royal-Gordon
- [swift-evolution] ABI in Layman's terms?
Brent Royal-Gordon
- [swift-evolution] [swift-evolution-announce] [Review] SE-0137: Avoiding Lock-In to Legacy Protocol Designs
Brent Royal-Gordon
- [swift-evolution] [late pitch] UnsafeBytes proposal
Brent Royal-Gordon
- [swift-evolution] [late pitch] UnsafeBytes proposal
Brent Royal-Gordon
- [swift-evolution] ABI of throwing
David Rönnqvist
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0136: Memory Layout of Values
Erica Sadun
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Erica Sadun
- [swift-evolution] InternalString class for easy String manipulation
Michael Savich
- [swift-evolution] [Accepted] SE-0112: Improved NSError Bridging
Jon Shier
- [swift-evolution] [Accepted] SE-0112: Improved NSError Bridging
Jon Shier
- [swift-evolution] [Accepted] SE-0112: Improved NSError Bridging
Jon Shier
- [swift-evolution] [Accepted] SE-0112: Improved NSError Bridging
Jon Shier
- [swift-evolution] Secure Coding Guideline and SWIFT 3.0 release
Keith Smiley
- [swift-evolution] Why does URL.checkResourceIsReachable() return a Bool?
Charles Srstka
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Charles Srstka
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Charles Srstka
- [swift-evolution] [Accepted] SE-0112: Improved NSError Bridging
Charles Srstka
- [swift-evolution] [Accepted] SE-0112: Improved NSError Bridging
Charles Srstka
- [swift-evolution] [Accepted] SE-0112: Improved NSError Bridging
Charles Srstka
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Dan Stenmark
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Dan Stenmark
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
Dan Stenmark
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
David Sweeris
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
David Sweeris
- [swift-evolution] What're the Swift team's thoughts on Go's concurrency?
David Sweeris
- [swift-evolution] Why have both bit-wise and logical operators?
David Sweeris
- [swift-evolution] [late pitch] UnsafeBytes proposal
Andrew Trick
- [swift-evolution] [late pitch] UnsafeBytes proposal
Andrew Trick
- [swift-evolution] [late pitch] UnsafeBytes proposal
Andrew Trick
- [swift-evolution] [late pitch] UnsafeBytes proposal
Andrew Trick
- [swift-evolution] [late pitch] UnsafeBytes proposal
Andrew Trick
- [swift-evolution] [late pitch] UnsafeBytes proposal
Andrew Trick
- [swift-evolution] [late pitch] UnsafeBytes proposal
Andrew Trick
- [swift-evolution] [late pitch] UnsafeBytes proposal
Andrew Trick
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Tim Vermeulen
- [swift-evolution] Passing an optional first argument to sequence(first:next:)
Tim Vermeulen
- [swift-evolution] More fine tuning optimization to swift compiler
- [swift-evolution] [Pre-Proposal-Discussion] Union Type - Swift 4
- [swift-evolution] ABI in Layman's terms?
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0136: Memory Layout of Values
Xiaodi Wu
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0136: Memory Layout of Values
Xiaodi Wu
- [swift-evolution] [Late Pitch] Deprecations, Moves, and Renames
Xiaodi Wu
- [swift-evolution] Which functionality should be covered by a native Swift math/numerics library that ships with the standard lib?
Xiaodi Wu
- [swift-evolution] Swiftier implementation of Measurement and Unit
Xiaodi Wu
- [swift-evolution] [Pre-Proposal-Discussion] Union Type - Swift 4
Xiaodi Wu
- [swift-evolution] [late pitch] UnsafeBytes proposal
Xiaodi Wu
- [swift-evolution] [late pitch] UnsafeBytes proposal
Xiaodi Wu
- [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0136: Memory Layout of Values
Anton Zhilin
- [swift-evolution] [Pitch] Rename Mirror
Anton Zhilin
- [swift-evolution] ABI in Layman's terms?
Anton Zhilin
- [swift-evolution] Proposal for swift build linux on Mac os x
jasonk at
- [swift-evolution] Binary framework distribution?
晓敏 褚
Last message date:
Sun Aug 14 20:43:04 CDT 2016
Archived on: Mon Aug 15 11:48:14 CDT 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).