[swift-evolution] [Revision] [Pitch] Rename `T.Type`

Taras Zakharko taras.zakharko at uzh.ch
Fri Jul 22 06:50:41 CDT 2016

> On 22 Jul 2016, at 12:11, L. Mihalkovic <laurent.mihalkovic at gmail.com> wrote:
> Regards
> (From mobile)
> On Jul 22, 2016, at 9:22 AM, Taras Zakharko via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution at swift.org>> wrote:
>> To be honest, I have difficulty with the terminology here. Why use the term ‚metatype‘ 
> It is the literature's terminology (types about types) and also the compiler's own naming.

I am certainly not contesting these facts. However, I am not sure how helpful this particular terminology is in the relevant context. After all, we are talking here about operations on types themselves, not types of a type. While it is true that any type variable/parameter itself is of a metatype type, I don’t see any utility gained by making this fact explicit. Something like Type or TypeInfo accomplishes the same and is probably easier to understand. 

For instance, I have difficulty understanding why you suggest to rename type(of:) to metatype(of:). Unless I am completely confused, the return value is a type, isn’t it? its just that the type of the return value is a metatype. 

This is a different thing in languages like Python, where metatypes have a clear practical purpose (it is possible to directly create and manipulate metatypes).

— T. 

P.S. I hope my naive questions are not too inappropriate. I am honestly trying to understand the topic. While I do have some background in higher-order logic and type theory, and I have done a fair share of programming with types and types of types, the way Swift works in this regard eludes me. 

>> in the first place? Why not just ‚Type'? Or ‚TypeDescriptor‘ (in analogy to ObjectIdentifier)? What do we actually gain by the technical distinction between a type and a type of a type? I would understand it if we had the ability to construct higher-order types, such as custom metatypes or even metatype types in Swift.  
>> But in general, I am sympathetic with the proposal.Swift type/metatype facilities are very confusing (I still don’t  get how the .Type, .Self, .self etc. stuff works) and bringing some clarity will be most welcome. 
>> — T. 
>>> On 22 Jul 2016, at 00:40, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution at swift.org>> wrote:
>>> https://github.com/DevAndArtist/swift-evolution/blob/rename_t_dot_type/proposals/0126-rename-t-dot-type.md <https://github.com/DevAndArtist/swift-evolution/blob/rename_t_dot_type/proposals/0126-rename-t-dot-type.md>
>>> Rename T.Type
>>> Proposal: SE–0126 <x-msg://35/0126-refactor-metatypes-repurpose-t-dot-self-and-mirror.md>
>>> Authors: Adrian Zubarev <https://github.com/DevAndArtist>, Anton Zhilin <https://github.com/Anton3>
>>> Status: Revision
>>> Review manager: Chris Lattner <http://github.com/lattner>
>>> Revision: 2
>>> Previous Revisions: 1 <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/83707b0879c83dcde778f8163f5768212736fdc2/proposals/0126-refactor-metatypes-repurpose-t-dot-self-and-mirror.md>
>>> Introduction
>>> This proposal renames the current metatype T.Type notation and the global function from SE–0096 to match the changes.
>>> Swift-evolution threads: 
>>> [Pitch] Rename T.Type <applewebdata://5920FB3D-680D-42A4-A834-AF48FAFD667D>
>>> [Review] SE–0126: Refactor Metatypes, repurpose T[dot]self and Mirror <applewebdata://5920FB3D-680D-42A4-A834-AF48FAFD667D>
>>> [Proposal] Refactor Metatypes, repurpose T[dot]self and Mirror <https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20160718/024772.html>
>>> [Discussion] Seal T.Type into Type<T> <https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20160704/023818.html>
>>> Motivation
>>> In Swift metatypes have the following notation: T.Type
>>> As already showed in SE–0096 and SE–0090 the Swift community strongly is in favor of (re)moving magical intstance or type properties.
>>> SE–0096 moves instanceOfT.dynamicType to type<T>(of: T) -> T.Type.
>>> SE–0090 aims to remove .self completely.
>>> We propose to rename T.Type to a generic-like notation Metatype<T>. To be able to achieve this notation we have to resolve a few issues first.
>>> Known issues of metatypes:
>>> Assume this function that checks if an Int type conforms to a specific protocol. This check uses current model of metatypes combined in a generic context:
>>> func intConforms<T>(to _: T.Type) -> Bool {
>>>    return Int.self is T.Type
>>> }
>>> intConforms(to: CustomStringConvertible.self) //=> false
>>> Int.self is CustomStringConvertible.Type      //=> true
>>> [1] When T is a protocol P, T.Type is the metatype of the protocol type itself, P.Protocol. Int.self is not P.self.
>>> [2] There isn’t a way to generically expression P.Type yet.
>>> [3] The syntax would have to be changed in the compiler to get something that behaves like .Type today.
>>> Written by Joe Groff: [1] <https://twitter.com/jckarter/status/754420461404958721> [2] <https://twitter.com/jckarter/status/754420624261472256> [3] <https://twitter.com/jckarter/status/754425573762478080>
>>> A possible workaround might look like the example below, but does not allow to decompose P.Type:
>>> func intConforms<T>(to _: T.Type) -> Bool {
>>>   return Int.self is T
>>> }
>>> intConforms(to: CustomStringConvertible.Type.self) //=> true
>>> We can extend this issue and find the second problem by checking against the metatype of Any:
>>> func intConforms<T>(to _: T.Type) -> Bool {
>>>     return Int.self is T
>>> }
>>> intConforms(to: Any.Type.self) //=> true
>>> intConforms(to: Any.self)      //=> true
>>> Int.self is Any.Type           //=> Always true
>>> When using Any the compiler does not require .Type at all and returns true for both variations.
>>> The third issue will show itself whenever we would try to check protocol relationship with another protocol. Currently there is no way (that we know of) to solve this problem:
>>> protocol P {}
>>> protocol R : P {}
>>> func rIsSubtype<T>(of _: T.Type) -> Bool {
>>>     return R.self is T
>>> }
>>> rIsSubtype(of: P.Type.self) //=> false
>>> R.self is Any.Type //=> Always true
>>> R.self is P.Type   //=> true
>>> R.self is R.Type   //=> true
>>> We also believe that this issue is the reason why the current global functions sizeof, strideof and alignof make use of generic <T>(_: T.Type) declaration notation instead of (_: Any.Type).
>>> Proposed solution
>>> Rename any occurrence of T.Type and T.Protocol to Metatype<T>.
>>> Revise metatypes internally. 
>>> When T is a protocol, T.self should always return an instance of Metatype<T> (old T.Type) and never a T.Protocol. Furthermore, metatypes should reflect the same type relationship behavior like the actual types themselves. 
>>> To match the correct meaning and usage of the noun ‘Metatype’ from this proposal, we also propose to rename the global function from SE–0096:
>>> before: public func type<T>(of instance: T) -> T.Type
>>> after: public func metatype<T>(of instance: T) -> Metatype<T>
>>> Examples:
>>> protocol P {}
>>> protocol R : P {}
>>> class A : P {}
>>> class B : A, R {}
>>> func `is`<T>(metatype: Metatype<Any>, also _: Metatype<T> ) -> Bool {
>>>     return metatype is Metatype<T>
>>> }
>>> `is`(metatype: R.self, also: Any.self) //=> true | Currently: false
>>> `is`(metatype: R.self, also: P.self)   //=> true | Currently: false
>>> `is`(metatype: R.self, also: R.self)   //=> true
>>> `is`(metatype: B.self, also: Any.self) //=> true | Currently: false
>>> `is`(metatype: B.self, also: P.self)   //=> true | Currently: false
>>> `is`(metatype: B.self, also: R.self)   //=> true | Currently: false
>>> `is`(metatype: B.self, also: A.self)   //=> true
>>> `is`(metatype: B.self, also: B.self)   //=> true
>>> func cast<T>(metatype: Metatype<Any>, to _: Metatype<T>) -> Metatype<T>? {
>>>     return metatype as? Metatype<T>
>>> }
>>> cast(metatype: R.self, to: Any.self)     //=> an Optional<Metatype<Any>> | Currently: nil
>>> cast(metatype: R.self, to: P.self)       //=> an Optional<Metatype<P>>   | Currently: nil
>>> cast(metatype: R.self, to: R.self)       //=> an Optional<Metatype<R>>   | Currently: an Optional<R.Protocol>
>>> let anyR: Any.Type = R.self
>>> let r = cast(metatype: anyR, to: R.self) //=> an Optional<Metatype<R>>   | Currently: an Optional<R.Protocol>
>>> cast(metatype: B.self, to: Any.self)     //=> an Optional<Metatype<Any>> | Currently: nil
>>> cast(metatype: B.self, to: P.self)       //=> an Optional<Metatype<P>>   | Currently: nil
>>> cast(metatype: B.self, to: R.self)       //=> an Optional<Metatype<R>>   | Currently: nil
>>> cast(metatype: B.self, to: A.self)       //=> an Optional<Metatype<A>>
>>> cast(metatype: B.self, to: B.self)       //=> an Optional<Metatype<B>>
>>> let pB: P.Type = B.self
>>> let b = cast(metatype: pB, to: B.self)   //=> an Optional<Metatype<B>>
>>> Impact on existing code
>>> This is a source-breaking change that can be automated by a migrator. Any occurrence of T.Type or T.Protocol will be simply renamed to Metatype<T>.
>>> Alternatives considered
>>> Alternatively it’s reasonable to consider to rename T.self to T.metatype.
>>> It was considered to reserve Type<T> for different usage in the future.
>>> -- 
>>> Adrian Zubarev
>>> Sent with Airmail
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