[swift-users] SwiftProtobuf unable to link on Ubuntu

Edward Connell ewconnell at gmail.com
Sat Oct 14 14:54:54 CDT 2017

Has anyone used the SwiftProtobuf module on Linux?

I am able to successfully generate swift classes from my proto file.
However when building, the code compiles but I get a ton of undefined link

I included -Xswiftc -I/home/ed/swift-protobuf/.build/release so the module
is found, but still....

/home/ed/Documents/prototest/Sources/DataModel.pb.swift:31: error:
undefined reference to '_T013SwiftProtobuf14UnknownStorageVACycfC'
/home/ed/Documents/prototest/Sources/DataModel.pb.swift:31: error:
undefined reference to '_T013SwiftProtobuf14UnknownStorageVACycfC'
/home/ed/Documents/prototest/Sources/DataModel.pb.swift:64: error:
undefined reference to
/home/ed/Documents/prototest/Sources/DataModel.pb.swift:0: error: undefined
reference to '_T013SwiftProtobuf7MessagePAAE13isInitializedSbfg'


Does anyone have a simple working example on Ubuntu?

Ubuntu 16.04
Swift 4.0 release

Thanks, Ed
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