[swift-users] KVC - KeyPath in Operation

somu subscribe somu.subscribe at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 08:40:22 CDT 2017


I am having trouble using KeyPath to KVC (Key Value Code) in Swift 4.

I have a subclass of Operation and I am overriding the isFinished and isExecuting property.

- When I use KeyPath, the completionBlock of the operation is not invoked.
- However when I use String instead of KeyPath, the completionBlock is invoked.

- Am I missing something ? 
- Is there a way to fix it using KeyPath ?


    override var isExecuting : Bool {
        get {
            return _executing //property in the class
        set {
            willChangeValue(for: \.isExecuting)
            _executing = newValue
            didChangeValue(for: \.isExecuting)
    override var isFinished : Bool {
        get {
            return _finished //property in the class
        set {
            willChangeValue(for: \.isFinished)
            _finished = newValue
            didChangeValue(for: \.isFinished)

- Xcode - 9.0 beta (9M136h) 
- Tested on Simulator (iOS 11)
- macOS Sierra - 10.12.5 (16F73)

Thanks and Regards,
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