[swift-users] How to write a test against fixture resources from generated xcodeproj test bundle?

Karl Wagner razielim at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 08:33:54 CDT 2017

> On 10. Jun 2017, at 04:02, Toshihiro Suzuki via swift-users <swift-users at swift.org> wrote:
> Hi Swift Community,
> I'm Toshihiro Suzuki and have a question about Swift Package Manager.
> I'm trying out with new Xcode9-beta.
> When I generate a new xcodeproj like this, `Resources` directory is imported as a folder reference in xcodeproj.
> ```
> $ swift -version
> Apple Swift version 4.0 (swiftlang-900.0.43 clang-900.0.22.8)
> Target: x86_64-apple-macosx10.9
> $ swift package init --type library
> $ mkdir -p Resources/Fixtures/
> $ touch Resources/Fixtures/test.txt
> $ swift package generate-xcodeproj
> ```
> When I open the xcodeproj and hit Cmd+U, I want to access test.txt with code like this.
> ```
> let path = Bundle(for: Swift4sampleTests.self).path(forResource: "test.txt", ofType: nil)!
> let data = Data(contentsOf: URL(string: path)!)
> ```
> To make it work, I need to manually
> - add Resources/ as a group, instead of folder reference.
> - add "Copy Files Phase" in Build Phase to copy test.txt as "Resources".
> Can SwiftPM handle this use-case automatically?
> Or is there a way to access test resources from generated xcodeproj test bundle?
> Thanks,
> Toshihiro Suzuki
> -- 
> Toshihiro Suzuki
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Swiftpm does not currently support resources - not in applications, libraries, or tests.

It’s a commonly-requested feature, though. I’m sure it will come in a future release.

- Karl

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