[swift-users] Foundation: build.ninja No such file or directory

Philippe Hausler phausler at apple.com
Tue Mar 28 14:31:12 CDT 2017

What host os are you attempting to build on?

For linux you need to have a configured Foundation initially to run ninja. This means that you need to build swift with the build-script including --foundation and --libdispatch and --xctest

After one successful build you can run ninja in the Foundation directory to build it, and if you need to modify the build scripts (for example including additional files) you can run ./configure --reconfigure

> On Mar 28, 2017, at 12:28 PM, Mohit Athwani via swift-users <swift-users at swift.org> wrote:
> I am trying to build Foundation and is anybody else getting build.ninja: No such file or directory error?
> I just cloned everything from github. This did not happen with me when I worked on my previous pull request.
> Cheers!
> --
> Mohit Athwani
> http://about.me/mohitathwani
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