[swift-users] Ubuntu/Centos docker with swift 3

Alex Blewitt alblue at apple.com
Mon Dec 12 07:49:54 CST 2016

On 12 Dec 2016, at 11:06, Gerard Iglesias via swift-users <swift-users at swift.org> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I would like to know if somebody use Docker with image of Ubuntu or Centos with swift 3 on them to make a working dev environment ? 
> I just start to learn Docker use, which is not hard obviously, but I wonder if we can build a complete development environment with it …
> Any advices welcome.

Yes, it's possible to build a Docker image with the necessary binaries installed. You can use a pre-built one from IBM:

https://github.com/IBM-Swift/swift-ubuntu-docker <https://github.com/IBM-Swift/swift-ubuntu-docker>

It has more than is strictly necessary to get up and working but you can use it to get going. Alternatively, you can install your own by basing it on the following from Ubuntu 16.04:

FROM ubuntu:16.04

RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install vim wget git clang libicu-dev python2.7-dev libxml2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev && apt-get clean

RUN wget --progress=bar:force:noscroll --output-document=- https://swift.org/builds/swift-3.0.1-release/ubuntu1604/swift-3.0.1-RELEASE/swift-3.0.1-RELEASE-ubuntu16.04.tar.gz | tar --strip-components=1 -zxf -

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