[swift-users] Why API marked as `macOS 10.12+` can be used in macOS 10.11?
Zhao Xin
owenzx at gmail.com
Sun Sep 25 23:53:00 CDT 2016
Glad to know it. Thank you, Jack.
On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 10:17 AM, Jack Lawrence <jackl at apple.com> wrote:
> The API Reference SDK availability section in the documentation is
> incorrect for symbols defined in a Swift overlay. This is a known issue.
> Unless it has an explicit @available attribute (check the generated
> interface), any symbol defined in a Swift overlay is available for all
> platform versions where swift 3 is compatible (iOS 7, macOS 10.9, etc).
> Jack
> On Sep 25, 2016, at 6:01 PM, Zhao Xin via swift-users <
> swift-users at swift.org> wrote:
> In the official migrating guide <https://swift.org/migration-guide/>.
> You can choose from two kinds of migration to perform:
> - *Use Swift 2.3* Modifies your project to enable the *Use Legacy
> Swift* build setting and provides source changes to be able to build
> against the new SDKs.
> - *Use Swift 3* This is recommended. You will get source changes to be
> able to build your project using Swift 3 and take advantage of all the new
> features in Xcode 8.0.
> Optionally, you can move to Swift 2.3 now and invoke the migration
> assistant again later to update to Swift 3.
> So it seems to me that Swift 3 will only works with the new SDKs (iOS 10,
> macOS 10.12, watchOS 3, tvOS 10). The API explanation enhanced my theory.
> Data.init(base64Encoded:options:)
> <https://developer.apple.com/reference/foundation/data/1780388-init>
>> Language
>> Swift
>> SDKs
>> iOS 10.0+
>> macOS 10.12+
>> tvOS 10.0+
>> watchOS 3.0+
> I created a new Cocoa application project in Xcode 8. Since my OS is macOS
> 10.11, the `Deployment Target` is `10.11`, the `Base SDK` is `10.12`. Since
> the newly created project's swift version is default 3.0. I thought I
> couldn't use any apis that were marked as `macOS 10.12+`. However, I was
> wrong. Below code worked.
> var data = Data(base64Encoded: "Hello World!")
> print(data) // prints nil
> So what are the boundary between old APIs with new APIs between OS
> versions? Is the API doc wrong? In previous docs, if an API is marked
> as available only in the latest OS, you can't use it in old OS. Is that
> rule changed in Swift 3?
> Zhaoxin
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