[swift-users] swiftc and CocoaPods modules

Marcel Rebouças mscreboucas at gmail.com
Mon May 9 09:17:36 CDT 2016

Hello all,

I'm trying to run the swiftc (a modified one) command in a project folder
in order to compile all .swift files. It is currently working as follows:

xcrun -sdk iphoneos build/Ninja-DebugAssert/swift-macosx-x86_64/bin/swiftc
-dump-ast -target armv7-apple-ios7.0 **/*.swift

Right now, it is able to find and compile all .swift files in the
directories and subdirectories, and is able to import modules such as UIKit.

However, I can't find a way to make it work with modules added through
CocoaPods. This generates an error like:

*Example/Source/DetailViewController.swift:23:8: **error: **no such module

Any thoughts?


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