[swift-users] Build multiple executable targets

Max Howell max.howell at apple.com
Tue Feb 23 17:19:30 CST 2016

> Hi everyone,
> I'd like to play around with Open Source Swift on Arch Linux.
> I've been an Mac OS X developer for almost a decade now and an iOS developer for a long time and I was distracted by the Swift-Cocoa-Integration, so I'm gladly willing to give pure Swift a try.
> Unfortunately I'm unable to get a XCTestCase executed and running.
> According to the Swift Build System documentation my subdirectory `test` is ignored by the build system.
> According to the XCTest Library documentation I need to generate an own testing executable that has to be run manually.
> That's good news and I was able to implement the documented XCTMain() into my `main.swift` and executing worked.
> But it isn't the best idea to remove the real executable for the sake of a testing executable.
> Both should exist side-by-side, especially in TDD.
> How can I create multiple executable targets, so a `swift build` will generate both `Executable` and `ExecutableTests` for me?
> I could wait for the `swift test` command in Swift 3.0, but I'd like to start right away with 2.2-dev.
> Oh, and I really want to use Linux for this. Xcode works fine for me, but I'm not willing to swift-up my Mac.

I suggest waiting for the next development snapshot which will have `swift test` integrated.

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