[swift-evolution] [Request for Feedback] Providing defaults for <Codable> reading and writing.

Randy Eckenrode kenada at me.com
Tue Jul 11 00:19:16 CDT 2017

It seems like it would be cleaner to extend CodingKey. There might be a more general way of doing this than just requiring a Dictionary, but it seems to work.

protocol DefaultingCodingKey: CodingKey, Hashable {
    static var defaults: [Self: Any] { get }

// Implementing the other overrides left as an exercise to the reader
extension KeyedDecodingContainer where Key: DefaultingCodingKey {

    func decode(_ type: String.Type, forKey key: Key) throws -> String {
        if let t = try self.decodeIfPresent(type, forKey: key) {
            return t
        } else {
            return Swift.type(of: key).defaults[key] as! String

    func decode<T: Codable>(_ type: T.Type, forKey key: Key) throws -> T {
        if let t = try self.decodeIfPresent(type, forKey: key) {
            return t
        } else {
            return Swift.type(of: key).defaults[key] as! T


extension KeyedEncodingContainer where Key: DefaultingCodingKey {

    mutating func encode(_ value: String, forKey key: Key) throws {
        guard value != type(of: key).defaults[key] as! String else { return }
        try self.encodeIfPresent(value, forKey: key)

    mutating func encode<T: Encodable & Equatable>(_ value: [T], forKey key: Key) throws {
        guard value != type(of: key).defaults[key] as! [T] else { return }
        try self.encodeIfPresent(value, forKey: key)

    mutating func encode<T: Encodable & Equatable>(_ value: T, forKey key: Key) throws {
        guard value != type(of: key).defaults[key] as! T else { return }
        try self.encodeIfPresent(value, forKey: key)


class ReferencePieceFromModel: Codable {

    public var name: String = ""
    public var styles: [String] = []

    private enum CodingKeys: String, DefaultingCodingKey {

        case name, styles

        static let defaults: [CodingKeys: Any] = [
            .name: "",
            .styles: [String]()

Putting all of this into a playground….

let x = ReferencePieceFromModel()

let encoder = JSONEncoder()

let json = try! encoder.encode(x)
print(String(data: json, encoding: .utf8)!)

let decoder = JSONDecoder()

let a = try! decoder.decode(ReferencePieceFromModel.self, from: json)

let refWithName = "{\"name\": \"Randy\"}"
let b = try! decoder.decode(ReferencePieceFromModel.self, from: refWithName.data(using: .utf8)!)

let ref = "{\"name\": \"Randy\", \"styles\": [\"Swifty\"]}"
let c = try! decoder.decode(ReferencePieceFromModel.self, from: ref.data(using: .utf8)!)

Prints out…




> On Jul 10, 2017, at 8:16 PM, William Shipley via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> Automatic substitution / removal of default values is very useful when reading or writing a file, respectively, and should be supported by the <Codable> family of protocols and objects:
> • When reading, swapping in a default value for missing or corrupted values makes it so hand-created or third-party-created files don’t have to write every single value to make a valid file, and allows slightly corrupted files to auto-repair (or get close, and let the user fix up any data that needs it after) rather than completely fail to load. (Repairing on read creates a virtuous cycle with user-created files, as the user will get _some_ feedback on her input even if she’s messed up, for example, the type of one of the properties.)
> • When writing, providing a default value allows the container to skip keys that don’t contain useful information. This can dramatically reduce file sizes, but I think its other advantages are bigger wins: just like having less source code makes a program easier to debug, having less “data code” makes files easier to work with in every way — they’re easier to see differences in, easier to determine corruption in, easier to edit by hand, and easier to learn from.
> My first pass attempt at adding defaults to Codable looks like this:
> public class ReferencePieceFromModel : Codable {
>     // MARK: properties
>     public let name: String = ""
>     public let styles: [String] = []
>     // MARK: <Codable>
>     public required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
>         let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
>         self.name = container.decode(String.self, forKey: .name, defaults: type(of: self).defaultsByCodingKey)
>         self.styles = container.decode([String].self, forKey: .styles, defaults: type(of: self).defaultsByCodingKey)
>     }
>     public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
>         var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
>         try container.encode(name, forKey: .name, defaults: type(of: self).defaultsByCodingKey)
>         try container.encode(styles, forKey: .styles, defaults: type(of: self).defaultsByCodingKey)
>     }
>     private static let defaultsByCodingKey: [CodingKeys : Any] = [
>         .name : "",
>         .styles : [String]()
>     ]
>     // MARK: private
>     private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
>         case name
>         case styles
>     }
> }
> With just a couple additions to the Swift libraries:
> extension KeyedDecodingContainer where Key : Hashable {
>     func decode<T>(_ type: T.Type, forKey key: Key, defaults: [Key : Any]) -> T where T : Decodable {
>         if let typedValueOptional = try? decodeIfPresent(T.self, forKey: key), let typedValue = typedValueOptional {
>             return typedValue
>         } else {
>             return defaults[key] as! T
>         }
>     }
> }
> extension KeyedEncodingContainer where Key : Hashable {
>     mutating func encode<T>(_ value: T, forKey key: Key, defaults: [Key : Any]) throws where T : Encodable & Equatable {
>         if value != (defaults[key] as! T) {
>             try encode(value, forKey: key)
>         }
>     }
>     mutating func encode<T>(_ value: [T], forKey key: Key, defaults: [Key : Any]) throws where T : Encodable & Equatable { // I AM SO SORRY THIS IS ALL I COULD FIGURE OUT TO MAKE [String] WORK!
>         if value != (defaults[key] as! [T]) {
>             try encode(value, forKey: key)
>         }
>     }
> }
> (Note the horrible hack on KeyedEncodingContainer where I had to special-case arrays of <Equatable>s, I guess because the compiler doesn’t know an array of <Equatable>s is Equatable itself?)
> Problems with this technique I’ve identified are:
> ⑴ It doesn’t allow one to add defaults without manually writing the init(from:) and encode(to:), ugh.
> ⑵ The programmer has to add 'type(of: self).defaultsByCodingKey’ to every call, ugh.
> Both of these could possibly be worked around if we could add an optional method to the <Codable> protocol, that would look something like: 
>     public static func default<Key>(keyedBy type: Key.Type, key: Key) -> Any? where Key : CodingKey
> (the above line isn’t tested and doubtlessly won’t work as typed and has tons of think-os.)
> This would get called by KeyedEncodingContainers and KeyedDecodingContainers only for keys that are Hashable (which I think is all keys, but you can stick un-keyed sub-things in Keyed containers and obviously those can’t have defaults just for them) and the container would be asked to do the comparison itself, with ‘==‘. 
> Something I haven’t tried to address here is what to do if values are NOT <Equatable> — then of course ‘==‘ won’t work. One approach to this would be to provide a way for the static func above to return ‘Hey, I don’t have anything meaningful for you for this particular property, because it’s not Equatable.’ This could be as simple as returning ‘nil’, which would also be a decent way to say, “This property has no meaningful default” which is also needed.
> Alternatively, one could imagine adding TWO callbacks in the <Codable> for this kind of case, which are essentially *WAVES HANDS*:
>      public static func isThisValueTheDefault(_ value: Any, forKey key: Self.Key) throws -> Any?
>      public static func defaultValue<Key>(keyedBy type: Key.Type, key: Key) -> Any? where Key : CodingKey
> These might also need a 'keyedBy type: Key.Type’ parameter — to be honest I haven’t messed with different key spaces so I’m not sure how they work. Also I’m not the best at generics yet. (At this point I’m not even sure if protocols can contain ‘class’ functions, so maybe none of this would work.)
> Another advantage to the two-method approach (besides not requiring the values to be < Equatable >) is that it allows one to provide defaults for floating values, which can often be changed just by floating-point error by like 0.00000000001 and then end up registering false changes. In the isValueDefault(…) the programmer could implement a comparison with a ‘slop’ so if the encoder were about to write 0.000000000001 and the default were 0 nothing would be written.
> -Wil
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