[swift-evolution] Normalize Enum Case Representation (rev. 2)

David Hart david at hartbit.com
Fri Mar 31 02:10:14 CDT 2017

Is there any plan to get this proposal reviewed? It would *really* improve the SwiftPM Package API.

> On 9 Mar 2017, at 23:42, Daniel Duan via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> Here’s an updated version with hopefully the correct content. The “overloaded” case feature has been removed and is discussed in the "alternatives considered" section.
> # Normalize Enum Case Representation
> * Proposal: [SE-0155][]
> * Authors: [Daniel Duan][], [Joe Groff][]
> * Review Manager: [John McCall][]
> * Status: **Awaiting review**
> * Previous Revision: [1][Revision 1]
> ## Introduction
> In Swift 3, associated values of an enum case are represented by a tuple. This
> implementation causes inconsistencies in case declaration, construction and
> pattern matching in several places.
> Enums, therefore, can be made more "regular" when we replace tuple as the
> representation of associated case values. This proposal aims to define the
> effect of doings so on various parts of the language.
> Swift-evolution thread: [Normalize Enum Case Representation (rev. 2)][]
> ## Motivation
> When user declares a case for an enum, a function which constructs the
> corresponding case value is declared. We'll refer to such functions as _case
> constructors_ in this proposal.
> ```swift
> enum Expr {
>    // this case declares the case constructor `Expr.elet(_:_:)`
>    indirect case elet(locals: [(String, Expr)], body: Expr)
> }
> // f's signature is f(_: _), type is ([(String, Expr)], Expr) -> Expr
> let f = Expr.elet
> // `f` is just a function
> f([], someExpr) // construct a `Expr.elet`
> ```
> There are many surprising aspects of enum constructors, however:
> 1. After [SE-0111][], Swift function's fully qualified name consists of its base
>   name and all of its argument labels. User can use the full name of the
>   function at use site. In the example above, `locals` and `body` are currently
>   not part of the case constructors name, therefore the expected syntax is
>   invalid.
>   ```swift
>   func f(x: Int, y: Int) {}
>   f(x: y:)(0, 0) // Okay, this is equivalent to f(x: 0, y: 0)
>   Expr.elet(locals: body:)([], someExpr) // this doesn't work in Swift 3
>   ```
> 2. Case constructors cannot include a default value for each parameter. This
>   is yet another feature available to functions.
> As previous mentioned, these are symptoms of associated values being a tuple
> instead of having its own distinct semantics. This problem manifests more in
> Swift 3's pattern matching:
> 1. A pattern with a single value would match and result in a tuple:
>    ```swift
>    // this works for reasons most user probably don't expect!
>    if case .elet(let wat) = anExpr {
>        eval(wat.body)
>    }
>    ```
> 2. Labels in patterns are not enforced:
>    ```swift
>    // note: there's no label in the first sub-pattern
>    if case .elet(let p, let body: q) = anExpr {
>        // code
>    }
>    ```
> These extra rules makes pattern matching difficult to teach and to expand to
> other types.
> ## Proposed Solution
> We'll add first class syntax (which largely resemble the syntax in Swift 3) for
> declaring associated values with labels. Tuple will no longer be used to
> represent the aggregate of associated values for an enum case. This means
> pattern matching for enum cases needs its own syntax as well (as opposed to
> piggybacking on tuple patterns, which remains in the language for tuples.).
> ## Detailed Design
> ### Compound Names For Enum Constructors
> Associated values' labels should be part of the enum case's constructor name.
> When constructing an enum value with the case name, label names must either be
> supplied in the argument list it self, or as part of the full name.
> ```swift
> Expr.elet(locals: [], body: anExpr) // Okay, the Swift 3 way.
> Expr.elet(locals: body:)([], anExpr) // Okay, equivalent to the previous line.
> Expr.elet(locals: body:)(locals: 0, body: 0) // This would be an error, however.
> ```
> Note that since the labels aren't part of a tuple, they no longer participate in
> type checking, behaving consistently with functions.
> ```swift
> let f = Expr.elet // f has type ([(String, Expr)], Expr) -> Expr
> f([], anExpr) // Okay!
> f(locals: [], body: anExpr) // Won't compile.
> ```
> Enum cases should have distinct *full* names. Therefore, shared base name will
> be allowed:
> ```swift
> enum SyntaxTree {
>    case type(variables: [TypeVariable])
>    case type(instantiated: [Type])
> }
> ```
> Using only the base name in pattern matching for the previous example would be
> ambiguous and result in an compile error. In this case, the full name must be
> supplied to disambiguate.
> ```swift
> case .type // error: ambiguous
> case .type(variables: let variables) // Okay
> ```
> ### Default Parameter Values For Enum Constructors
> From a user's point view, declaring an enum case should remain the same as Swift
> 3 except now it's possible to add `= expression` after the type of an
> associated value to convey a default value for that field.
> ```swift
> enum Animation {
>    case fadeIn(duration: TimeInterval = 0.3) // Okay!
> }
> let anim = Animation.fadeIn() // Great!
> ```
> Updated syntax:
> ```ebnf
> union-style-enum-case = enum-case-name [enum-case-associated-value-clause];
> enum-case-associated-value-clause = "(" ")"
>                                  | "(" enum-case-associated-value-list ")";
> enum-case-associated-value-list = enum-associated-value-element
>                                | enum-associated-value-element ","
>                                  enum-case-associated-value-list;
> enum-case-associated-value-element = element-name type-annotation
>                                     [enum-case-element-default-value-clause]
>                                   | type
>                                     [enum-case-element-default-value-clause];
> element-name = identifier;
> enum-case-element-default-value-clause = "=" expression;
> ```
> ### Alternative Payload-less Case Declaration
> In Swift 3, the following syntax is valid:
> ```swift
> enum Tree {
>    case leaf() // the type of this constructor is confusing!
> }
> ```
> `Tree.leaf` has a very unexpected type to most Swift users: `(()) -> Tree`
> We propose this syntax become illegal. User must explicitly declare
> associated value of type `Void` if needed:
> ```swift
> enum Tree {
>    case leaf(Void)
> }
> ```
> ### Pattern Consistency
> *(The following enum will be used throughout code snippets in this section).*
> ```swift
> indirect enum Expr {
>    case variable(name: String)
>    case lambda(parameters: [String], body: Expr)
> }
> ```
> Compared to patterns in Swift 3, matching against enum cases will follow
> stricter rules. This is a consequence of no longer relying on tuple patterns.
> When an associated value has a label, the sub-pattern must include the label
> exactly as declared. There are two variants that should look familiar to Swift
> 3 users. Variant 1 allows user to bind the associated value to arbitrary name in
> the pattern by requiring the label:
> ```swift
> case .variable(name: let x) // okay
> case .variable(x: let x) // compile error; there's no label `x`
> case .lambda(parameters: let params, body: let body) // Okay
> case .lambda(params: let params, body: let body) // error: 1st label mismatches
> ```
> User may choose not to use binding names that differ from labels. In this
> variant, the corresponding value will bind to the label, resulting in this
> shorter form:
> ```swift
> case .variable(let name) // okay, because the name is the same as the label
> case .lambda(let parameters, let body) // this is okay too, same reason.
> case .variable(let x) // compiler error. label must appear one way or another.
> case .lambda(let params, let body) // compiler error, same reason as above.
> ```
> Only one of these variants may appear in a single pattern. Swift compiler will
> raise a compile error for mixed usage.
> ```swift
> case .lambda(parameters: let params, let body) // error, can not mix the two.
> ```
> Some patterns will no longer match enum cases. For example, all associated
> values can bind as a tuple in Swift 3, this will no longer work after this
> proposal:
> ```swift
> // deprecated: matching all associated values as a tuple
> if case let .lambda(f) = anLambdaExpr {
>    evaluateLambda(parameters: f.parameters, body: f.body)
> }
> ```
> ## Source compatibility
> Despite a few additions, case declaration remain mostly source-compatible with
> Swift 3, with the exception of the change detailed in "Alternative Payload-less
> Case Declaration".
> Syntax for case constructor at use site remain source-compatible.
> A large portion of pattern matching syntax for enum cases with associated values
> remain unchanged. But patterns for matching all values as a tuple, patterns that
> elide the label and binds to names that differ from the labels, patterns that
> include labels for some sub-patterns but the rest of them are deprecated by this
> proposal. Therefore this is a source breaking change.
> ## Effect on ABI stability and resilience
> After this proposal, enum cases may have compound names. This means the standard
> library will expose different symbols for enum constructors. The name mangling
> rules should also change accordingly.
> ## Alternative Considered
> Between case declaration and pattern matching, there exist many reasonable
> combinations of improvement. On one hand, we can optimize for consistency,
> simplicity and teachability by bringing in as much similarity between enum and
> other part of the language as possible. Many decisions in the first revision
> were made in favor if doing so. Through the feedbacks from swift-evolution, we
> found that some of the changes impedes the ergonomics of these features too much
> . In this section, we describe some of the alternatives that were raised and
> rejected in hope to strike a balance between the two end of the goals.
> We discussed allowing user to declare a *parameter name* ("internal names")
> for each associated value. Such names may be used in various rules in pattern
> matching. Some feedback suggested they maybe used as property names when we
> make enum case subtypes of the enum and resembles a struct. This feature is not
> included in this proposal because parameter names are not very useful *today*.
> Using them in patterns actually don't improve consistency as users don't use
> them outside normal function definitions at all. If enum case gains a function
> body in a future proposal, it'd be better to define the semantics of parameter
> names then, as opposed to locking it down now.
> To maintain ergonomics/source compatibility, we could allow user to choose
> arbitrary bindings for each associated value. The problem is it makes the
> pattern deviate a lot from declaration and makes it hard for beginners to
> understand. This also decrease readability for seasoned users.
> Along the same line, a pattern that gets dropped is binding all associated
> values as a labeled tuple, which tuple pattern allowed in Swift 3. As T.J.
> Usiyan [pointed out][TJs comment], implementation of the equality protocol would
> be simplified due to tuple's conformance to `Equatable`. This feature may still
> be introduced with alternative syntax (perhaps related to splats) later without
> source-breakage.  And the need to implement `Equatable` may also disappear with
> auto-deriving for `Equatable` conformance.
> The previous revision of this proposal mandated that the labeled form of
> sub-pattern (`case .elet(locals: let x, body: let y)`) be the only acceptable
> pattern. Turns out the community considers this to be too verbose in some cases.
> A drafted version of this proposal considered allowing "overloaded" declaration
> of enum cases (same full-name, but with associated values with different types).
> We ultimately decided that this feature is out of the scope of this proposal.
> [SE-0155]: 0155-normalize-enum-case-representation.md
> [SE-0111]: 0111-remove-arg-label-type-significance.md
> [Daniel Duan]: https://github.com/dduan
> [Joe Groff]: https://github.com/jckarter
> [John McCall]: https://github.com/rjmccall
> [TJs comment]: https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20170116/030614.html
> [Revision 1]: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/43ca098355762014f53e1b54e02d2f6a01253385/proposals/0155-normalize-enum-case-representation.md
> [Normalize Enum Case Representation (rev. 2)]: https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20170306/033626.html
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