[swift-evolution] Overloading Generic Types

David Sweeris davesweeris at mac.com
Wed Feb 22 15:22:07 CST 2017

> On Feb 22, 2017, at 12:21 PM, Huon Wilson <huon at apple.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 22, 2017, at 10:20, David Sweeris via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution at swift.org>> wrote:
>> What if we extended that to any type that’s ExpressibleByNilLiteral & Equatable?
> Note that this is not how the Unsafe*Pointer optimization works: in that case, the type Unsafe*Pointer is not ExpressibleByNilLiteral, it just has some spare/guaranteed-to-be-unused sentinel values in its representation, that the compiler knows about. This also works for types like `enum X { case A, B }`: an optional like X? (and X??, all the way up to 254 ?’s) is also represented as a single byte, because there’s spare values that the compiler knows won't be used by valid instances of X.
> Converting valid instances  to .none would break round-tripping: Optional(x)! would sometimes fail, if x was the sentinel value. This seems likely to cause generic code to stop working.

Oh, hey, yeah, good point! I should’ve thought about that bit more first. Would a `HasInvalidBitPattern` protocol work? 
protocol HasInvalidBitPattern {
    /// An unreachable bit pattern. Very Bad Things are very likely to happen if this represents a valid value.
    static var invalidBitPattern: Self {get} // probably use some private init to create this, or some other mechanism that doesn’t get exposed to the client
Then, the special-case Optional definition would be:
enum Optional<T> : ExpressibleByNilLiteral where T: HasInvalidBitPattern & Equatable {
    case some(T)
    init(_ value: T) { self = .some(value) }
    init(nilLiteral: ()) { self = .some(T.invalidBitPattern) }
    var case none: (matches: Bool, associatedValue: Void) {
        switch self {
        case .some(let value): return (value == T.invalidBitPattern, ())

> Example program for the enum optimization:
> enum X {
>     case A, B
> }
> typealias O2<T> = T??
> typealias O4<T> = O2<O2<T>>
> typealias O8<T> = O4<O4<T>>
> typealias O16<T> = O8<O8<T>>
> typealias O32<T> = O16<O16<T>>
> typealias O64<T> = O32<O32<T>>
> typealias O128<T> = O64<O64<T>>
> typealias O256<T> = O128<O128<T>>
> typealias O254<T> = O128<O64<O32<O16<O8<O4<O2<T>>>>>>>
> typealias O255<T> = O254<T>?
> func size<T>(_: T.Type) -> Int {
>     return MemoryLayout<T>.size
> }
> print(size(X.self), // 1
>       size((X?).self), // 1
>       size(O254<X>.self), // 1
>       size(O255<X>.self), // 2
>       size(O256<X>.self)) // 3
> (The last is 3 because the compiler currently essentially treats O255<X> like an opaque/all-values-valid 2-byte type, like Int16, and so adds an extra byte for the extra ?. It could theoretically be 2 if the unused values in the extra byte in O255<X> are reused.)

That’s quite interesting, thanks!

- Dave Sweeris
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