[swift-evolution] Removing enumerated?

Vladimir.S svabox at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 09:53:07 CST 2017

Btw, in context of discussion of indices,
should this be fixed soon:

func function<C: Collection>(c: C) {
   for index in c.indices {
ERROR: cannot subscript a value of type 'C' with an index of type 

(have access for Swift 3.0.2 Release only for now, so probably this already 
fixed in dev version)

On 01.02.2017 1:54, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 1:16 PM, Ben Cohen via swift-evolution
> <swift-evolution at swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution at swift.org>> wrote:
>     I think whether enumerated() is justified as a method on Sequence is
>     one example of a wider question which definitely needs some discussion,
>     which is: where should the standard library draw the line in providing
>     convenience functions that can easily be composed from other functions
>     in the std lib? Here’s another example:
>     SE-100
>     <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0100-add-sequence-based-init-and-merge-to-dictionary.md> is
>     a proposal to add an init to Dictionary from a sequence of key/value
>     pairs. It’s a commonly requested feature, and IMO much needed and
>     should be added as soon as we move to the appropriate phase in Swift’s
>     evolution.
>     Another commonly requested Dictionary feature is similar: add a
>     Dictionary.init that takes a sequence, and a closure that maps that
>     sequence to keys. This is useful, for example, when you have a sequence
>     of objects that you frequently need to index into via one property on
>     those objects, so you want to build a fast lookup cache using that
>     property.
>     Now, if we implement SE-100, that second request can be easily
>     composed. It would be something like Dictionary(sequence.lazy.map {
>     (key: $0.someProperty, value: $0) } )
>     Some people look at that line of code and think sure, that’s what I’d
>     do and it’s easy enough that the second helper shouldn’t be added as
>     it’s superfluous. Others look at it and say that it is unreadable
>     clever-code FP nonsense, and we should just add the helper method
>     because most programmers wouldn’t be able to read or write that easily.
>     As we expand (and maybe contract :) the standard library, this kind of
>     question comes up a lot, so it is worth setting out some criteria for
>     judging these “helper” methods. Here’s my take on such a list (warning:
>     objectivity and subjectivity blended together in the below).
>     *1. Is it truly a frequent operation?*
>     The operation needs to carry its weight. Even once we have ABI
>     stability, so the size of the std lib becomes less of a concern as it
>     could ship as part of the OS, we still need to keep helper method
>     growth under control. APIs bristling with methods like an
>     over-decorated Xmas tree are bad for usability. As mentioned in the
>     String manifesto, String+Foundation currently has over 200
>     methods/properties. Helpers are no good if you can’t find them to use them.
>     Someone mentioned that they actually don’t find themselves using
>     enumerated() all that often. I suspect enumerated in its current form
>     isn’t all that useful. In a quick (and non-scientific) review of search
>     results for its use on GitHub, nearly all the examples I see of it are
>     either 1) misuse – see more below, or 2) use of it to perform the
>     equivalent of in-place map where the index is used to subscript into
>     the array and replace it with a transformed element.
> So, in general, I agree with your overarching points. But I have to push
> back on this part:
> Although it's clearly a misuse when one assumes `startIndex == 0` while
> working with a generic Collection, it's been said on this list many times
> that `0..<array.count` is a perfectly legitimate spelling for the indices
> of a concrete `Array<T>`. That is, it's not an unwarranted assumption, but
> rather a semantic guarantee that the first index of an array is 0. For the
> same reason, using `enumerated()` on an _array_ for indices is not a misuse.
> With that in mind, I took the time to do a systematic review of how
> `enumerated()` is used. I took the top trending Swift language repositories
> over the last 90(?--whatever the longest choice in the dropdown menu was)
> days, and searched for uses of this API. Here are the results:
> # Hero
> Multiple uses: all on arrays; all correct
> # iina
> Multiple uses: two on arrays, one `string.utf8CString.enumerated()`; all
> correct
> # Sharaku
> No uses
> # swift-algorithm-club
> Multiple uses: some on arrays and some on `string.characters`; all correct
> # Files
> No uses
> One example in README: correct
> # awesome-ios
> No uses
> # Alamofire
> One use: correct
> # ODUIThreadGuard
> No uses
> # Vapor
> One use: extension on Collection, *** incorrectly assumes `startIndex == 0` ***
> # Charts
> Multiple uses: all on arrays; all correct
> # Moya
> No uses
> # LocalizationKit_iOS
> No usages
> # SwifterSwift
> Multiple uses: almost all on arrays, one
> `array.reversed().lazy.enumerated()`; all correct
> # ios-oss
> Multiple uses: all on arrays; all correct
> # RxSwift
> Multiple uses: all on arrays; all correct
> # SwiftyJSON
> No uses
> # SwiftLint
> Multiple uses: all on arrays; all correct
>     I think the std lib needs an in-place map, and if enumerated() is
>     removed, this one most-common use case should be added at the same time.
>     *2. Is the helper more readable? Is the composed equivalent obvious at
>     a glance**?*
>     When an operation is very common, the big win with a helper method is
>     it creates a readable vocabulary. If enumerated() is very common, and
>     everyone sees it everywhere, it makes that code easier to read at a glance.
>     That said, I think that the alternative – zip(0…, sequence) – is just
>     as readable once you are familiar with zip and ranges, two concepts
>     that, IMO at least, it is important that every Swift programmer learn
>     about early on. I would even go so far as to say that enumerated is
>     harmful if it discourages new users from discovering zip.
> As others have already chimed in, `zip(0..., sequence)` is not yet
> possible; as I mentioned in another thread, I was once a big fan of `0...`
> but now think there are some issues that may need ironing our or may not be
> easily solvable with it. In either case, I think my survey above shows that
> `enumerated()` is indeed quite common. It is familiar to those coming from
> at least one other popular language, Python.
>     OTOH, an example that I think is strongly justified on readability
>     grounds is Sequence.all(match:), a function that checks that every
>     element in a sequence matches a predicate. This is by far the most
>     common extension for Sequence on GitHub. Yes, you can write this as
>     !seq.contains(!predicate) but that far less readable – especially since
>     it requires you write it with a closure that !’s the predicate i.e.
>     !seq.contains { !predicate($0) }, because we don’t have a ! for
>     composing with predicate functions (though maybe we should).
>     *3. Does the helper have the flexibility to cover all common cases?*
>     This, I think, is where enumerated() really starts to fall down.
>     Sometimes you want to start from not-zero, so maybe it should be
>     Sequence.enumerated(startingFrom: Int = 0)
> Python, which has `enumerate`, has indeed extended that function to allow
> this. We could trivially do the same.
>     Sometimes you want non-integer indices so maybe we should add indexed().
> That has been floated and, like Jacob, I think it's a fine addition.
>     Sometimes you want it the other way around (not for a for loop but for
>     passing the elements directly into a mapping function) so now you need
>     a flip.
> Flip the order of the number and the value in the tuple? Wouldn't you just
> use `map` for that?
>     Sometimes you want to enumeration to run backwards in some way.
>     Less of a problem if you’re already accustomed to composing your
>     enumeration:
>     Enumerate starting from 1: zip(1…, c)
>     Enumerate indices: zip(c.indices, c)
>     Need the pair to be the other way around: zip(c, 0…)
>     Need the enumeration to run the other way:
>     zip((0..<c.count).reversed,c) or zip(0…,c).reversed() or
>     zip(0…,c.reversed()).
> As shown above, people do indeed compose with `enumerated()`.
>     Similarly, for the Dictionary helper – what if you want a sequence, and
>     a closure to map keys to values, rather than values to keys?
>     (zip also needs to retain its collection-ness, which is filed as
>     SR-3760, a great starter proposal if anyone wants to take it on :)
>     *4. Is there a correctness trap with the composed equivalent? Is there
>     a correctness trap with the helper?*
>     As others noted on the thread, enumerated() used for indices encourages
>     a possible correctness error:
>     for (idx, element) = someSlice.enumerated() { } // slices aren’t zero
>     based!
>     Now, chances are that since out-of-bounds subscripting traps on arrays,
>     this bug would be caught early on. But maybe not – especially if you
>     ended up using it on an UnsafeBufferPointer slice (perhaps dropped in
>     for performance reasons to replace an Array) and now all of a sudden
>     you have a memory access violation that could go undetected.
>     On the flip side: many operations on collections that use indices are
>     hard to get right, especially ones that involve mutating as you go,
>     like removing elements from a collection based on some criteria, where
>     you have to work around index invalidation or fencepost errors. For
>     this reason, the std lib probably ought to have a
>     RangeReplaceableCollection.remove(where:) method so people don’t have
>     to reinvent it and risk getting it wrong.
>     *5. Is there a performance trap with the composed equivalent? Or with
>     the helper?*
>     The composed example of Dictionary from a sequence+closure, you need to
>     remember the .lazy part in sequence.lazy.map to avoid creating a
>     temporary array for no reason. A helper method might lift that burden
>     from the user. remove(where:) can easily be accidentally quadtratic, or
>     perform needless element copies when there’s little or nothing to remove.
>     Counter example: the fact that map is eager and chaining it creates
>     temporary arrays needlessly is a performance problem caused by
>     introducing it as a helper method.
>     *6. Does the helper actually encourage misuse?*
>     This is a very common pattern when searching GitHub for uses of
>     enumerated():
>     for (index, _) in collection.enumerated() {
>         mutate collect[index] in-place i.e. collection[index] += 1
>     }.
>     (or even they assign the element then don’t use it, for which specific
>     case we don’t currently emit a warning)
>     What the user really needs is just:
>     for index in collection.indices { etc. }
>     I expect if the standard way to do enumerated was with zip, people
>     wouldn’t do this as often. In-place map would be even better.
> As the data show above, people use `enumerated()` correctly far more often
> than they use it incorrectly. In the one place where it's erroneously used,
> it was an extension on Collection; it's likely that the only instances that
> actually used that extension method were collections with zero-based indices.
>     *8. Can a native implementation be made more performant than the
>     equivalent composition?*
>     Dictionary.mapValues(transform: (Value)->T) can be implemented
>     internally much more efficiently than just composing it with map and
>     the key/value sequence initializer, because the layout of the hash
>     table storage can be re-used in the new dictionary, even when the Value
>     type is different.
>>     On Jan 31, 2017, at 6:24 AM, Chris Eidhof via swift-evolution
>>     <swift-evolution at swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution at swift.org>> wrote:
>>     Hey everyone,
>>     I've organized a number of Swift workshops over the last two years.
>>     There are a couple of things that keep coming up, and a couple of
>>     mistakes that I see people making over and over again. One of them is
>>     that in almost every workshop, there's someone who thinks that
>>     `enumerated()` returns a list of (index, element) pairs. This is only
>>     true for arrays. It breaks when using array slices, or any other kind
>>     of collection. In our workshops, I sometimes see people doing
>>     something like `x.reversed().enumerated()`, where `x` is an array,
>>     and somehow it produces behavior they don't understand.
>>     A few ways I think this could be improved:
>>     - Move enumerated to Array
>>     - Change enumerated to return `(Index, Iterator.Element)` (this would
>>     mean we at least need to move it to collection)
>>     - Remove enumerated
>>     - Keep things as is
>>     In any case, just wanted to share my experience (gained from teaching
>>     people).
>>     --
>>     Chris Eidhof
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