[swift-evolution] [Discussion] Protocol member deprecations

Nevin Brackett-Rozinsky nevin.brackettrozinsky at gmail.com
Sat Feb 4 09:08:57 CST 2017

I like this solution much better than the prior alternative.

When a protocol member is removed or renamed, marking it as deprecated is
the proper and natural thing to do. And when a conforming type implements a
deprecated requirement, there ought to be a warning.

This is vastly superior to the idea of mandating a keyword on every
conforming method and property.


On Saturday, February 4, 2017, Charlie Monroe via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:

> I am currently working on updating some protocol APIs in a framework
> that's shared among several of my projects. The issue here is that the
> protocol has an extension with default implementation. For example:
> protocol Foo {
>     func doSomethingWithArray(_ arr: [String])
> }
> extension Foo {
>     func doSomethingWithArray(_ arr: [String]) {
>         print(arr)
>     }
> }
> With this you can easily write
> struct Bar: Foo { }
> The issue comes when the struct actually implements the method and you
> decide to rename it in the protocol:
> struct Bar: Foo {
>     func doSomethingWithArray(_ arr: [String]) {
>         fatalError()
>     }
> }
> protocol Foo {
>     func doSomething(with arr: [String])
> }
> extension Foo {
>     func doSomething(with arr: [String]) {
>         print(arr)
>     }
> }
> The code still compiles, yet the behavior of the app changes incredibly.
> There is no way (to my knowledge) of marking some protocol members as
> deprecated. I've tried the "obvious" solution:
> extension Foo {
>     @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "doSomething(with:)")
>     func doSomethingWithArray(_ arr: [String]) {
>         self.doSomething(with: arr)
>     }
> }
> But unfortunately, this doesn't emit any warning on the Bar structure. I
> personally believe that this is a major flaw, given that Swift is being
> claimed as Protocol-Oriented language, there is no way to declare that a
> protocol method is deprecated/renamed. Mainly with protocols with default
> implementations (or in ObjC optional).
> I know there were discussions about marking members that should implement
> the protocol requirements with a keyword, but unfortunately, most members
> here were against such a proposal as it would introduce a lot of visual
> clutter.
> I'm suggesting that implementing a same-named member from a protocol
> marked as "deprecated" that also has a default implementation would emit a
> warning.
> Does anyone else view this as an issue in the language?
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