[swift-evolution] Checking in; more thoughts on arrays and variadic generics

Daryle Walker darylew at mac.com
Sat Jan 21 10:06:37 CST 2017

1. Variadic generics

When I look at SwiftDoc.org <http://swiftdoc.org/>, I see some functions repeated with differing numbers of parameters. This seems like a job for variadic templates^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H generics, like in C++. Fortunately, someone has already wrote about this, at <https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/master/docs/GenericsManifesto.md#variadic-generics>. A new idea I came up with is that both homogeneous (the current support) and heterogeneous variadic parameters can appear in function declarations. Each can appear at most once in a declaration. And they can co-exist in the same declaration; there’s no problem unless the two packs are adjacent and at least the (lexically) second one doesn’t mandate a label. In that case, and when the homogenous pack appears second, count from the lexically last argument backwards until an argument cannot be part of the homogeneous type, that’ll be the border. Count the other way when the homogenous pack is first. (It’s possible for one pack to have zero elements.)

2. More on Arrays

Before, I’ve proposed expressions like “4 * Int” for arrays. But, looking back, it’s not very Swift-y. I had problems with some forms of the syntax giving the specification indices in the reverse order of the dereferencing indices. It looks too quick-and-dirty. And I want to have a revolution over arrays from C, like we gave the enum type.

The new inspiration came from me looking at a random blog about Swift (1?) tuples, where a 2-Int tuple can be expressed by “(Int, Int)” and a 12-Int tuple by “(Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)”, I thought the latter was too excessive, and that there should be a way to reduce the repetition. Oh:

	(repeat Int for 12)

I originally had “by” for the second keyword. But why add one keyword and reuse another when I can reuse two instead. Any compile-time positive integer constant can be used. The specification does not add a nested level:

	(Double, repeat AnyObject for 4, Int)

The floating-point object is at “.0”, the class array uses “.1” through “.4”, and the integer uses static index “.5”. [NOTE: Should we change this?] A funny thing happens if you use a label:

	var X: (Int, sample: repeat Double for 5)

We can use “X.sample” as a source/sink for a 5-tuple of Double. It can also serve as a “[Double]”, except any methods that would change the size are banned. Note that since the elements are not nested, “X.sample.2” is illegal. (“X.sample.2” would be “X.3” instead.) [NOTE: Should we change this?]

I originally was going to have multi-dimensions, but I couldn’t nail the syntax down.

	(repeat Int for 4 for 6 for 3)

looks ugly. And I still would had to figure out the storage-nesting and dereferencing orders. So only single-dimensions are supported. Note that you can nest, like in C:

	(repeat (repeat Int for 4) for 6)

but it’ll be weird that although the outer dimension starts its listing first, the number parts are listed in the reverse order of indexing.

This syntax will be the equivalent of C’s quick-and-dirty syntax. The main feature will be arrays that act as FULL VALUE TYPES, like struct and enum:


where the shape expression is:

	“repeat” TYPE “for” “(“ INDEX-LIST “)”

where each index is:


where the type option is a enum with contiguous and countable cases (so: no attribute cases, no raw type that can’t be Stridable, no repeated case values, and no value gaps). The range index kinds use Int bounds. [NOTE: Even if I expand it to any Stridable, where would I specify the type?] The index specifiers are comma-separated. It is legal to have zero specifiers; such arrays have a singular element.

If multiple index specifiers are used, they are co-equal from the user’s perspective. The storage order can be specified within the definition block by

	“#storagerank” “(“ NUMBER-LIST “)”

The numbers go from 0 to one less than the number of indices and can appear at most once in the list. (Zero-dimension arrays must have an empty storage-rank list.) Omitted numbers are inserted after the explicit ones, in increasing order. The first number of the list represents the index with the largest span of elements between index values; the last number represents the index with in-memory adjacent elements. If omitted altogether, it defaults to implementation-defined. [NOTE: Should it be 0, 1,…, INDEX-COUNT-MINUS-1 instead?]

The included members should at least be:

	* withUnsafeBufferPointer, like Array
	* withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer, like Array
	* a default initializer, if the element type has one
	* an initializer that takes a block with INDEX-COUNT arguments and a ELEMENT-TYPE return type, for other initialization
	* a subscript that takes the index types in order (will be empty for zero-dimensional arrays)
	* a subscript that takes a tuple of all the indices (in order) [NOTE: Should we have this?]
	* some sort of apply function that goes over all the elements, includes the index coordinates as parameters to the block
	* another apply function that can mutate the elements
	* find some way to partially subscript the elements to a smaller array (may need variadic generics first)

Daryle Walker
Mac, Internet, and Video Game Junkie
darylew AT mac DOT com 

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