[swift-evolution] [Proposal] Type Narrowing

ilya ilya.nikokoshev at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 06:22:18 CST 2016

If I correctly understand the proposal, I'm -1 on this.

(1) You can define different methods with the same name on T and
Optional<T> (description is such an example). Then what does this do?

// someMethod is defined both for T and T?
// var foo: T?
if foo != nil {

I say there is a clear expectation that foo.someMethod() should call the
method of T?, even inside the if block, since this is how the dot works.
However, according to the proposal it will call another method (or become
an error?).

I think the languages that use optional narrowing are the ones where T? is
not a separate type, so that it cannot have its own methods.

(2) Should this work?

// compilcatedStuff is a method of T
// class A { var foo: T? }

if foo != nil {

Suppose the compiler doesn't have enough information about compilcatedStuff
to know what happens inside. Then it's possible that foo.compilcatedStuff
will actually change foo (for example, foo could be a relationship and
compilcatedStuff may be deleting the relationship). So, what is the
suggestion for this example? Perhaps

if foo != nil {

or some other choice?

On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 9:44 AM Haravikk via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:

> On 7 Nov 2016, at 19:31, Charlie Monroe <charlie at charliemonroe.net> wrote:
> There are two cases:
> if foo != nil {
>     foo!.doSomething()
> }
> Currently, accessing a non-optional value with ! produces an error:
> let foo = Bar()
> foo!.doSomething() // ERROR
> Second:
> if foo != nil {
>     // Using ? to be extra cautious, if foo is var
>     foo?.doSomething()
> }
> This again currently produces an error:
> let foo = Bar()
> foo?.doSomething() // ERROR
> Which is generally, what would semantically happen - the variable would
> loose it optionality. Or am I wrong?
> I probably haven't clarified well enough but under type-narrowing these
> would be warnings rather than errors; i.e- the general type of foo is still
> Optional, the type-checker merely knows that it can't be nil at that point,
> so would inform you that the ? or ! are unnecessary.
> This is what I was trying to get at in the type-widening section;
> basically, if you have a variable whose type is narrowed, but do something
> that makes no sense for the narrowed type, then the type is widened until
> either a match is found or it can't go any wider (producing an error as
> normal).
> So in your examples foo is Optional<Bar>.some, as a result the ? and !
> operators make no sense, so the type is widened back to Optional<Bar> where
> it does make sense and the code compiles, but a warning is produced to
> inform you that you don't need to use those operators.
> On 7 Nov 2016, at 19:31, Charlie Monroe <charlie at charliemonroe.net> wrote:
> I agree that designing a language around the compiler speed is wrong, but
> I believe designing the language without taking it into account is just as
> wrong. It's not worth designing features that would make the compilation so
> slow it would render the language unusable.
> Note that I have only very limited experience with compiler
> implementation, I've only made a few minor things with Clang a few years
> back, so please feel free to correct me.
> I'm not that familiar with the actual architecture either, but narrowing
> *should* be fairly simple; basically any time the compiler hits a condition
> or statement defined as a narrowing trigger, it pops the new narrower type
> onto a stack of types for that variable (in that branch). Now whenever the
> compiler reaches another statement for that variable (method call etc.) it
> resolves it first against the narrowest type, otherwise it goes up the
> stack (widening) till it finds a match or fails.
> When a branch closes with a stack of types, the compiler will compare to
> other branches to see which type is the narrowest that they have in common;
> this is actually fairly simple (shorten the stack for each branch to the
> length of the shortest stack, then discard elements until the current one
> is a match for all branches, thus you now know what the narrowest type is
> past that point).
> So, for types that never narrow there should be no speed difference, while
> for narrowed types there shouldn't be much of a difference, as these stacks
> of types shouldn't get very large in most cases (I'd expect anything more
> than three to be pretty rare).
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