[swift-evolution] [Pre-proposal/Question] Exposing the Unboxing Capabilities of AnyIndex (and similar types)

Dave Abrahams dabrahams at apple.com
Wed Jun 8 14:53:16 CDT 2016

on Wed Jun 08 2016, Haravikk <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:

> So I’m working on a kind of collection wrapper, and hoping to avoid
> having to expose the underlying type of the collection, by instead
> returning indices of AnyIndex. This works fine in one direction, but
> when it comes time to actually use these I have no means of unwrapping
> them into their original form, this has forced me to basically
> reimplement AnyIndex myself which seems like a lot of duplicated code.
> For those that haven’t looked at the AnyIndex or similar
> implementation, there are two methods, _unbox() and _unsafeUnbox(),
> providing access to the underlying type, but these are only exposed
> internally, so aren’t usable outside of the guts of stdlib.
> What I’m wondering is whether there are any strong reasons against
> exposing these publicly? 


> It could make implementing many wrapper types a lot easier. I know the
> point of AnyIndex and similar is type-erasure, but with the new
> collection model we no longer call any methods of the type-erased
> wrappers themselves, but instead have to pass them around; without
> unboxing it’s essentially impossible for AnyIndex to be reused for new
> types, which kind of restricts them to stdlib only. This basically
> means that AnyIndex is really just a stdlib internal type for
> implementing the stdlib provided wrapping types, if we want to
> implement our own we have to create our own AnyFooIndex, which I’m not
> sure are as efficient (as stdlib also has access to a few other hidden
> methods for doing this).
> If I could just unbox AnyIndex then I could reuse it, rather than
> reinventing the wheel as it were.
> This may apply to other stdlib provided wrappers, 

It probably does.

> but AnyIndex is the one that has stood out for me, as it seems like
> there’s no real purpose to me being able to wrap values as AnyIndex
> since there’s very little I can do with them, due to all the useful
> methods being internal only.
> To clarify a bit, if we could unbox AnyIndex we could do something
> like the following (many methods omitted for brevity):
> 	struct AnyIndex : Comparable {
> 		func unbox<T:Comparable>() -> T?
> 		func unsafeUnbox<T:Comparable>() -> T
> 	}

But those shouldn't be the public names.  Perhaps s/box/wrap/ ?

> 	class MyCollectionBox<Base:Collection> :
> MyCollectionBoxBase<Base.Iterator.Element> {
> 		let base:Base; init(_ base:Base) { self.base = base }
> 		var startIndex:AnyIndex { return
> AnyIndex(base.startIndex) }
> 		subscript(index:Index) -> Iterator.Element { return
> index.unsafeUnbox() } // method not available
>> 	}
> Unless of course I’m doing it completely wrong for Swift 3, which is
> entirely possible. Anyway, I was hoping to discuss it, so a proposal
> can be considered to exposed unboxing methods for AnyIndex (and any
> other types people think should have these abilities).
> I realise that perhaps there is a concern that unboxing could be
> misused, but I can’t really think of cases where you would try to,
> since values such as these are only useful when passed back to the
> type they came from, if you can think of a case where unboxing would
> be misused then feel free to share it!
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