[swift-evolution] [Proposal] Protected Access Level

Callionica (Swift) swift-callionica at callionica.com
Mon May 30 15:39:22 CDT 2016

It might be worth being more specific with your comparison between the
"lock and key" access control I described and the other techniques
described in this thread. Given that the designers of Swift were familiar
with protected access level from other languages and deliberately chose to
exclude it, it seems likely that you'll need to give some detailed pros and
cons to get a protected access level accepted I think.

I don't personally have an opinion on whether protected is a compelling
addition to the Swift language. It's in some of the languages that I use
and not others. I use it extensively where available, but it's not a
compelling enough feature on its own to make me choose one language over
another. I just wanted to make sure that people were aware of some other
techniques available for implementation hiding that are available in the
language today. (There are many more than just the one I presented if
you're willing to take a small runtime cost).

-- Callionica

On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 10:59 PM, Rod Brown <rodney.brown6 at icloud.com>

> I have to agree with Charlie Monroe that while this is doable, it's clear
> this is a workaround to a problem, not a viable long term language solution.
> - Rod
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 30 May 2016, at 2:49 PM, Callionica (Swift) <
> swift-callionica at callionica.com> wrote:
> I've written up how to provide protected access control for Swift code
> today here:
> http://www.callionica.com/developer/#swift-protected
> No compiler changes necessary for this technique and it distinguishes
> between methods that can only be overridden and methods that can be both
> called and overridden.
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