[swift-evolution] [Proposal] Enums with static stored properties for each case

Brent Royal-Gordon brent at architechies.com
Fri May 27 07:43:43 CDT 2016

> The suggested solution based on 'accessor' - will create assotiated properties each time the enum instace created, for each instance of enum type.

No; property accessors would be either computed or constant (so that all instances of a given case can share storage). This is much the way they would behave if they were included in behaviors.

You could write a property accessor with a setter, but it would have to be computed, and manipulate `self`'s cases and associated values:

	enum Optional<T> {
		accessor var unwrapped: T { get set }

		case none {
			unwrapped {
				get { fatalError("No value") }
				set { self = .some(newValue) }
		case some (_ value: T) {
			unwrapped {
				get { return value }
				set { self = .some(newValue) }

Brent Royal-Gordon

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