[swift-evolution] [proposal] default returns

Charles Srstka cocoadev at charlessoft.com
Tue May 10 19:45:07 CDT 2016

> On May 10, 2016, at 7:11 PM, Eduardo Mourey Lopez Ne via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> current:
> func myComplexOperation() -> Int {	
> 	//Some long complex code that might return some value
>       //Default return at the very end
>       return 0
> }
> proposal:
> func myComplexOperation() -> Int {
> 	//set the default return at the begging using the ‘default’ keyword or some other keyword
> 	default 0
> 	//Some long complex code that might return a value
> 	//if the end of the function is reached, return the default
> }
> The other alternative will be to allow naming the return value
> proposal2:
> func myComplexOperation() -> result:Int {
>        //set the default return at the begging using the output variable name
> 	result = 0
> 	//Some long complex code that might return some value
> }
> Another alternative will be to set the default value directly like and optional parameter
> proposal3:
> func myComplexOperation() -> Int = 0 {
> 	//Some long complex code that might return some value
> }

Is this really that much more convenient than:

func myComplexOperation() -> Int {
    let default = 0

    // do something

    return default

to justify a whole language feature?


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