[swift-evolution] [Discussion] Enforce argument labels on tuples

Adrian Zubarev adrian.zubarev at devandartist.com
Wed Apr 20 13:24:06 CDT 2016

@Austin I wasn’t talking about the tuple splat feature here.

In my case I was trying to simplify the example of a function that awaits an actual tuple of a specific type, which in my case also (should) have argument labels.


func foo(tuple: (a: Int, b: Int)) {}

let tuple = (10, 42)

// this is not the same as 

func boo(a: Int, b: Int) {}
boo(42, b: 17)

let x = (1, b: 2)
boo(x) // which will be removed in Swift 3

Adrian Zubarev

Am 20. April 2016 bei 20:11:01, Haravikk (swift-evolution at haravikk.me) schrieb:

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