[swift-evolution] What about a VBA style with Statement?

Vladimir.S svabox at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 08:35:36 CDT 2016

I like this idea.

In Delphi(Pascal) there is also such construction
with someVar do
And it is very handy and is used a lot (usually if you need to set/read a 
lot of properties of some object).

Additionally, I believe such construction prevents some possible mistakes 
with used variable name, especially if there is a similar-named variables 
in cod (sometimes because of code completion feature in editor) ex:
someVar1 = ...

someVar2 = ..
someVar1...  << mistake

and if "with" construction were here:

with someVar2 {
   var a = .another

But the problem with "with" in Delphi is that it is not explicit what 
method/property belongs to that someVar and what doesn't belong.
In Swift, such construction should force us to somehow be explicit 
regarding what methods/props belongs to that someVar instance. Seems like 
"dot" syntax looks OK.

Don't know if that could be implemented in Swift technically.

On 13.04.2016 16:15, 李海珍 via swift-evolution wrote:
> I recently learned some VBA and I found a very conveniently `with` statement.
> `with` statement can be helpful to set property for UIKit instance.
> for instance a UILabel instance `textLabel` ,with `with` statement we can
> set UILabel property like this
> ```swift
> with textLabel{
> .textAlignment= .Left
> .textColor= UIColor.darkTextColor()
> .font= UIFont.systemFontOfSize(15)
> }
> ```
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