[swift-evolution] ed/ing, InPlace, Set/SetAlgebra naming resolution

Greg Parker gparker at apple.com
Mon Feb 15 13:11:13 CST 2016

> On Feb 12, 2016, at 9:18 PM, David Owens II <david at owensd.io> wrote:
> I kinda get where your coming from, but this really seems like a calling convention problem. You can have two functions that are nearly identical with the *only* difference being the modification of `self` versus returning a copy.
> If we are really going to try and use a name, the suffix `InPlace` is atleast *always* consistent and never ambiguous, unlike nearly every attempt at using different pairs of noun and verb forms.
> If we are willing to treat the calling syntax differently, then I think we can at least come up with a non-ambigous form. I think it even applies more generally throughout the language.
> The two function signatures are this:
>     func union(other: Self) -> Self
>     mutating func union(other: Self) -> Self
> However, the mutating version is now just syntactical short-hand for this:
>     static func union(inout this: Self, _ other: Self) -> Self
> This changes the language to **not** allow a mutating function to be called with the “.” operator; after all, it’s really a static member now.
> At the call site, you’d have the following:
>     var a: Set<Int> = [1, 2]
>     let b: Set<Int> = [3, 4]
>     a.union(b)        // this is *always* the non-mutating one
>     Set.union(&a, b)  // normal syntax for static methods, mutates `a`
>     a&.union(b)       // streamlined calling syntax, mutates `a`
>     b&.union(a)       // error: Cannot using mutating member on immutable value ‘b’.
> This model works with class types as well, but suffers from all of the same limitations today with regards to the ability to enforce member mutation.
> This brings two language changes:
> 1. Any function can be declared with the mutating modifier. This is syntactic sugar for a static function with the first parameter being an `inout` of Self. This works for both value and reference types.
> 2. Any static function that has an unlabeled `inout` parameter of `Self` can be invoked with a short-hand syntax of `&.` instead of the full static calling form.
> Maybe there are some other limitations with this approach that I’m not thinking of at the moment.

Can you write both a mutating implementation and a non-mutating implementation of the same function with this scheme? Being able to provide both is important for performance.

Greg Parker     gparker at apple.com <mailto:gparker at apple.com>     Runtime Wrangler

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