[swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0005 Better Translation of Objective-C APIs Into Swift

Douglas Gregor dgregor at apple.com
Tue Feb 2 12:42:28 CST 2016

> On Feb 1, 2016, at 3:45 PM, Radosław Pietruszewski <radexpl at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Exceptions:
>>>>> - "fooWithOptions", but that's already caught by the default parameter rule.
>>>>> - "fooWithLocale", which uses the locale to build the result.
>>>>> - "commonPrefixWithString", where the "with" isn't quite vacuous.
>>>>> But when "foo" is a verb (or when it's a later parameter that's just "withBar") it does seem pretty vacuous.
>>>> This is a great observation. Pull request here shows what this does:
>>>> 	https://github.com/apple/swift-3-api-guidelines-review/pull/9 <https://github.com/apple/swift-3-api-guidelines-review/pull/9>
>>>> and, from the cases we’ve looked at, does a fantastic job of distinguishing the cases where “with” is a separator vs. “with” meaning some kind of selection criteria.
>>> Oh no! Now I'm sad I added a new automated rule based on parts of speech. As I've said before, these rules are necessarily incomplete, difficult for non-native speakers, and problematic when a word can be either a noun or a verb (cf. "displayNameWithLocale(_: NSLocale) -> String" and "highlightWithLevel(_: CGFloat) -> NSColor?”).
>> And they are (still) most of the basis for the automatic translation described in SE-0005. Frankly, I don’t think we can avoid using parts-of-speech analysis to transform Objective-C APIs into Swift APIs.
>>> I'm looking at the diff but it's hard to tell what didn't change. Are there branches that differentiate the two different "with" heuristics?
>> The swift-3-first-argument-labels branch is the initial “with” heuristic Radek proposed. You can see the diffs between that heuristic and the “verb” heuristic here:
>> 	https://github.com/apple/swift-3-api-guidelines-review/compare/swift-3-first-argument-labels...swift-3-first-argument-labels-verb <https://github.com/apple/swift-3-api-guidelines-review/compare/swift-3-first-argument-labels...swift-3-first-argument-labels-verb>
> Ah, interesting!
> I definitely see the rationale for this. Calling a method like `tracks` seems a bit confusing, it doesn’t capture the intent at all. The ObjC-convention version, say, `tracksWithMediaType(…)`, though less clear, makes a better job at this.
> I can see more methods of this kind in the diff, and they seem to benefit the most.
> I mentioned this before, but the way I would prefer this named is `findTracks(…)`, and skip the “with” in the name. The intent is captured better than the original, we start with a verb, and the method name is separated from its parameters. But obviously this is unlikely to work as an automated translation.
> Having said that, a lot of the changes seem like a step back:
>>    func highlight(level val: CGFloat) -> NSColor?		   func highlight(level val: CGFloat) -> NSColor?
>> -  func shadow(level val: CGFloat) -> NSColor?		+  func shadowWithLevel(val: CGFloat) -> NSColor?
> Inconsistency. Highlight analyzed as as a verb, shadow as a noun, even though those are obviously related.

Yes, this is an inconsistency we would need to deal with via NS_SWIFT_NAME. “highlight” is acting as an adjective here, although it’s predominantly a verb in Cocoa APIs.

>> -  func blendedColor(fraction fraction: CGFloat, of color: NSColor) -> NSColor?		+  func blendedColorWithFraction(fraction: CGFloat, of color: NSColor) -> NSColor?
> This doesn’t seem like an improvement. “fraction” and “color” seem very much like parameters to be separated from the name.

Note that this is the intent of the change, however: blendedColor is a noun phrase describing the result, and “withFraction” is a characteristic of the resulting color.

>> -  class func availableColorSpaces(model model: NSColorSpaceModel) -> [NSColorSpace]		+  class func availableColorSpacesWith(model: NSColorSpaceModel) -> [NSColorSpace]
>>  func indexOfItem(objectValue object: AnyObject) -> Int		+  func indexOfItemWithObjectValue(object: AnyObject) -> Int
> Same…

With the same answer: both start with noun phrases describing the result, so the “with” is acting more like “having”, indicating that the parameter is describing the characteristics of the result.

>> -  func reviewUnsavedDocuments(alertTitle title: String?, cancellable: Bool, delegate: AnyObject?, didReviewAllSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)		+  func reviewUnsavedDocumentsWithAlertTitle(title: String?, cancellable: Bool, delegate: AnyObject?, didReviewAllSelector: Selector, contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
> This definitely seem like a step back, “reviewUnsavedDocuments” works really well as a name, without the sort of confusion that the “tracks” mentioned above has.

Somehow, “review” wasn’t in my list of verbs. I’ll fix this.

>> -  class func mouseEvent(type type: NSEventType, location: Point, modifierFlags flags: NSEventModifierFlags, timestamp time: TimeInterval, windowNumber wNum: Int, context: NSGraphicsContext?, eventNumber eNum: Int, clickCount cNum: Int, pressure: Float) -> NSEvent?		
>> +  class func mouseEventWith(type: NSEventType, location: Point, modifierFlags flags: NSEventModifierFlags, timestamp time: TimeInterval, windowNumber wNum: Int, context: NSGraphicsContext?, eventNumber eNum: Int, clickCount cNum: Int, pressure: Float) -> NSEvent?
> This one’s weird. “With” was added, but without “type” in the name.

“type” is redundant with the type info, so it has been pruned.

> * * *
> Overall, I’m very conflicted about this diff. I’d obviously like the “with as a separator between method name and parameters” idea to go through, but not if there’s a lot of cases that seem more confusing for it. But I’m not convinced the heuristic suggested by Jordan can be implemented in a way it would work reliably. I can see more changes in the diff that seem worse than changes that seem like an improvement….

There is definitely a mindset difference between this diff and the diff corresponding to with-as-separator. This diff produces fewer first argument labels, but maintains many cases where the “with” is useful for describing the characteristics of the results.

	- Doug

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