[swift-evolution] Rethink about the SequenceType, GeneratorType and CollectionType

Susan Cheng susan.doggie at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 04:43:07 CST 2016

i find that IndexingGenerator is also causing circularity

2016-01-11 18:14 GMT+08:00 Susan Cheng <susan.doggie at gmail.com>:

> Jordan Rose has a thought in PermutationGenerator thread that about any
> GeneratorType "is-a" SequenceType. (I missed the thread)
> https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20160104/005525.html
> So i get a graph with:
> SequenceType -----------------------------------> CollectionType
>         ∟ generate() ----> GeneratorType
> if this correct, we will redefine the GeneratorType as SequenceType
> /// Encapsulates iteration state and interface for iteration over a
> /// *sequence*.
> ///
> /// - Note: While it is safe to copy a *generator*, advancing one
> ///   copy may invalidate the others.
> ///
> /// Any code that uses multiple generators (or `for`...`in` loops)
> /// over a single *sequence* should have static knowledge that the
> /// specific *sequence* is multi-pass, either because its concrete
> /// type is known or because it is constrained to `CollectionType`.
> /// Also, the generators must be obtained by distinct calls to the
> /// *sequence's* `generate()` method, rather than by copying.
> public protocol GeneratorType : SequenceType {
>     /// The type of element generated by `self`.
>     typealias Element
>     /// Advance to the next element and return it, or `nil` if no next
>     /// element exists.
>     ///
>     /// - Requires: `next()` has not been applied to a copy of `self`
>     ///   since the copy was made, and no preceding call to `self.next()`
>     ///   has returned `nil`.  Specific implementations of this protocol
>     ///   are encouraged to respond to violations of this requirement by
>     ///   calling `preconditionFailure("...")`.
>     @warn_unused_result
>     public mutating func next() -> Self.Element?
> }
> extension GeneratorType {
>     public func generate() -> Self {
>         return self
>     }
> }
> and discard this(break circularity between SequenceType and GeneratorType
> ):
> extension SequenceType where Self.Generator == Self, Self : GeneratorType
> {
>     public func generate() -> Self
> }
> also, adding the follows to stdlib:
> public extension SequenceType where Self : Indexable {
>     var startIndex: MultipassIndex<Generator> {
>         var g = self.enumerate().generate()
>         if let (idx, val) = g.next() {
>             return MultipassIndex(reachEnd: false, index: idx, buffer:
> val, generator: g)
>         }
>         return MultipassIndex(reachEnd: true, index: nil, buffer: nil,
> generator: g)
>     }
>     var endIndex: MultipassIndex<Generator> {
>         return MultipassIndex(reachEnd: true, index: nil, buffer: nil,
> generator: self.enumerate().generate())
>     }
>     subscript(position: MultipassIndex<Generator>) -> Generator.Element {
>         return position.buffer!
>     }
> }
> // Note: Requires G has value semantics
> public struct MultipassIndex<G: GeneratorType> : ForwardIndexType {
>     public func successor() -> MultipassIndex {
>         var r = self
>         if !reachEnd, let (idx, val) = r.generator.next() {
>             r.index = idx
>             r.buffer = val
>         } else {
>             r.reachEnd = true
>             r.index = nil
>             r.buffer = nil
>         }
>         return r
>     }
>     var reachEnd: Bool
>     var index: Int?
>     var buffer: G.Element?
>     var generator: EnumerateGenerator<G>
> }
> public func == <T>(x: MultipassIndex<T>, y: MultipassIndex<T>) -> Bool {
>     return x.index == y.index
> }
> That means we can defined a collection as follows and implement Indexable
> automatically:
> struct Fib : CollectionType {
>     typealias Generator = FibGenerator
>     var a, b: Int
>     func generate() -> FibGenerator {
>         return FibGenerator(a: a, b: b)
>     }
> }
> struct FibGenerator : GeneratorType {
>     var a, b: Int
>     mutating func next() -> Int? {
>         let temp = a
>         (a, b) = (b, a + b)
>         return temp
>     }
> }
> in this case, because of GeneratorType is clearly a destructive iteration
> type and CollectionType is clearly a multi-pass indexed type
> we should stop using the SequenceType (or just rename it to _SequenceType
> and tell people don't use it directly) directly. we have the GeneratorType
> which confirms SequenceType already. it can reduce
> confusion of SequenceType.
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