[swift-evolution] [Proposal draft] Generalized Naming for Any Function

Wallacy wallacyf at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 13:25:17 CST 2015

And if we only make the actual type inference more powerful?

Using the examples on proposal:

extension UIView {
  func insertSubview(view: UIView, at index: Int)
  func insertSubview(view: UIView, aboveSubview siblingSubview: UIView)
  func insertSubview(view: UIView, belowSubview siblingSubview: UIView)

let fn1: (UIView, Int) = someView.insertSubview    // ok: uses
insertSubview(_:at:)let fn2: (UIView, aboveSubview: UIView) =
someView.insertSubview // Ok: no more ambiguous!let fn3: (UIView,
belowSubview: UIView) = someView.insertSubview // Ok: no more

And for properties:

let specificTitle:() -> String? = button.currentTitle // will pick the
getterlet otherTitle: (UIButton) -> () -> String? =
UIButton.currentTitle  // will pick the getterlet setTintColor:
(UIColor!) -> () = button.tintColor     // will pick the setter

This can be an opportunity to do something like that:

func processColor(data: Any, delegate : (UIColor!) -> ())

processColor(someData, button.tintColor) // will pass tintColor setter

And for subscript:

extension Matrix {
  subscript (row row: Int) -> [Double] {
    get { ... }
    set { ... }
let getRow: (Int) -> () -> [Double] = someMatrix // will pick the
subscript getterlet setRow: (Int) -> ([Double]) -> () = someMatrix //
will pick the subscript setter

Of course is more hard, but there's no new notation, just a expansion of
the current type inference.

Maybe some syntax sugar can be provided in another proposal, but this one
can be the kickoff.

Em seg, 28 de dez de 2015 às 16:10, Joe Groff via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution at swift.org> escreveu:

> On Dec 27, 2015, at 2:47 PM, John McCall <rjmccall at apple.com> wrote:
> On Dec 27, 2015, at 10:37 AM, Joe Groff via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
>    -
>    Getters and setters can be written using dotted syntax within the
>    back-ticks:
>    let specificTitle = button.`currentTitle.get` // has type () -> String?let otherTitle = UIButton.`currentTitle.get`  // has type (UIButton) -> () -> String?let setTintColor = button.`tintColor.set`     // has type (UIColor!) -> ()
>    The same syntax works with subscript getters and setters as well,
>    using the full name of the subscript:
>    extension Matrix {
>      subscript (row row: Int) -> [Double] {
>        get { ... }
>        set { ... }
>      }
>    }
>    let getRow = someMatrix.`subscript(row:).get` // has type (Int) -> () -> [Double]let setRow = someMatrix.`subscript(row:).set` // has type (Int) -> ([Double]) -> ()
> At least as far as pure Swift is concerned, for unapplied access, like
> `UIButton.currentTitle`, I think it would be more consistent with the way
> method references works for that to give you the getter (or lens) without
> decoration. instance.instanceMethod has type Args -> Ret, and
> Type.instanceMethod has type Self -> Args -> Ret; by analogy, since
> instance.instanceProperty has type Ret or inout Ret, it's reasonable to
> expect Type.instanceProperty to have type Self -> [inout] Ret. Forming a
> getter or setter partially applied to an instance feels unmotivated to me—{
> button.currentTitle } or { button.currentTitle = $0 } already work, and are
> arguably clearer than this syntax.
> I acknowledge that this leaves forming selectors from setters out to dry,
> but I feel like that's something that could be incorporated into a "lens"
> design along with typed selectors. As a rough sketch, we could say that the
> representation of @convention(selector) T -> inout U is a pair of
> getter/setter selectors, and provide API on Selector to grab the individual
> selectors from that, maybe Selector(getterFor:
> UIView.currentTitle)/(setterFor: UIView.currentTitle). I don't think
> get/set is a good interface for working with Swift properties, so I don't
> like the idea of building in language support to codify it beyond what's
> needed for ObjC interaction.
> I know this might be too early, but: what syntax are we thinking of for
> lenses?  We might want to design this with future consistency in mind.
> Vaguely, I think it could look something like this. You could define a
> lens function by having it return `inout`. Calling the function produces an
> lvalue whose access nests within the accesses of its input `inout`
> parameters, if any, allowing for things like:
> var localVar = 1
> let localRef: () -> inout Int = { &localVar }
> func second(inout array: [Int]) -> inout Int {
>   return &array[1]
> }
> // Maybe you can define an inout function with accessors too
> func fahrenheit(inout celsius: Double) -> inout Double {
>   get {
>     return celsius * 9/5 + 32
>   }
>   set {
>     celsius = (newValue - 32) * 5/9
>   }
> }
> and you could access the unapplied lens for an instance property using
> `Type.property` syntax, analogous to how `Type.method` works. I feel like
> if we did that, then it would obviate the need for explicit `property.get`
> or `property.set` for most native Swift uses, though maybe not ObjC interop
> uses.
> -Joe
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