[swift-evolution] Lambda function syntax

Alexander Regueiro alexreg at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 20:16:06 CST 2015

Disagree, disagree, disagree. Don’t see any logic to that.

On 23 Dec 2015, at 02:10, Andrey Tarantsov <andrey at tarantsov.com> wrote:
> Can't help commenting...
>> I can only see subjective “dislike this”.
> The feel of the language is very important. We're talking about improving the syntax to look better here, so of course the subjective look of it matters most.
>> Using “func” or “lambda” outside is uglier than “in” inside the braes? Really?
> A thousand times yes. "in" is unfortunate, but adding a keyword would be... backwards doesn't quite capture it. It would destroy a big portion of the fun of the entire language.
>> And closures are really *not* control flow statements, so treating like them is just a fallacy and source of confusion.
> ...but it looks and reads very good. ;-)
> The only thing that I find wrong is "in". It just doesn't look delimited enough. foo.map { bar in bar.boz} is heavy on the eyes, while foo.map { |bar| bar.boz } would be ideal.
> A man can dream, right?
> Honestly, I think I understand the tradeoffs involved, so I'm fine with letting that "in" be.
> A.

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