[swift-dev] Android: Build error: No such module "SwiftGlibc"

william william at housedillon.com
Sun Sep 18 21:52:41 CDT 2016

I've finally succeeded in re-creating the process for building (not on the Android port, mind).

The trick this time was to build without the install options:

./swift/utils/build-script -R

This should SUCCEED

Then, delete the swift build directory:

rm -rf build/Ninja-ReleaseAssert/swift-linux-armv7

Then, build swift again *with* the install options:

./swift/utils/build-script -R -- --install-swift --install-prefix=/usr '--swift-install-components=autolink-driver;compiler;clang-builtin-headers;stdlib;swift-remote-mirror;sdk-overlay;dev' --build-swift-static-stdlib --build-swift-static-sdk-overlay --skip-test-lldb --install-destdir=swift-install --installable-package=swift.tar.gz

If that succeeds, go ahead and build the whole project:

./swift/utils/build-script -R --llbuild --lldb --foundation --xctest --swiftpm --libdispatch -- --install-libdispatch --install-swift --install-lldb --install-llbuild --install-foundation --install-swiftpm --install-xctest --install-prefix=/usr '--swift-install-components=autolink-driver;compiler;clang-builtin-headers;stdlib;swift-remote-mirror;sdk-overlay;dev' --build-swift-static-stdlib --build-swift-static-sdk-overlay --skip-test-lldb --install-destdir=swift-install --installable-package=swift.tar.gz

I hope that helps.

- Will

> On Sep 14, 2016, at 3:51 PM, Eric Wing <ewmailing at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9/14/16, william <william at housedillon.com> wrote:
>> I'm so glad someone else is hitting this problem!
>> I've been seeing this relatively often.  I have a set of superstitions that
>> allow me to get past it, and once I do, I try very hard not to delete
>> anything in my build directory.
>> - Will
> Can you suggest some mirrors to break or rabbit feet to rub, because I
> have no idea where to start for this.
> Thanks,
> Eric

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