[swift-corelibs-dev] Better integration with UNIX tools

Brent Royal-Gordon brent at architechies.com
Tue Nov 28 14:24:34 CST 2017

> On Nov 28, 2017, at 8:00 AM, Tony Parker <anthony.parker at apple.com> wrote:
> Why does it imply a run loop rather than one of many multithreading possibilities (dispatch queue, starting one more thread, etc)? And even if it did use run loops, why is that a problem?

The problem is simply that we're discussing using this feature in Swift *scripts*. Swift scripts don't typically invoke `RunLoop.run()` or `dispatch_main()`, and without changing the way they generate main() functions to intrinsically do so (and then schedule main.swift's body on the main runloop/queue), I don't see a good way for it to do so. So an async API would be inconvenient to use from a Swift script.

Brent Royal-Gordon

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