[swift-users] Passing variadic C args through?

Rick Mann rmann at latencyzero.com
Tue Nov 14 19:19:41 CST 2017

I've had a long-working `debugLog()` method that looks like this:

debugLog<T>(_ inMsg: T, file inFile : String = #file, line inLine : Int = #line)
	let file = (inFile as NSString).lastPathComponent
	let s = "\(file):\(inLine)    \(inMsg)"

I wanted to add a version that works like `String(format:)`:

debugLog(format inFormat: String, file inFile : String = #file, line inLine : Int = #line, _ inArgs: CVarArg...)
	let s = String(format: inFormat, inArgs)
	debugLog(s, file: inFile, line: inLine)


While this compiles and executes, all of the values are zero for this example:

let xc = CGFloat(1.0)
let yc = CGFloat(0.0)
let len = CGFloat(282.1364917907643)

debugLog(format: "Pixel %f, %f length too far %f", xc, yc, len)


FisheyeImageRenderer.swift:108    Pixel 0.000000, 0.000000 length too far 0.000000

Something is being misinterpreted in the passing of `inArgs: CVarArg...`


Rick Mann
rmann at latencyzero.com

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