[swift-users] How to store ref to any kind of function, and call with it argument list?

C. Keith Ray keithray at mac.com
Fri Nov 3 16:21:09 CDT 2017

In the code below, I'm trying to store a reference to a function with any number of arguments, with any return type. And I want to be able to invoke it. 


See the comments with "*******"

typealias Void = ()

func equalTypes(_ me: [Any.Type], _ other: [Any.Type]) -> Bool {
    guard me.count == other.count else { return false }
    for i in 0 ..< me.count {
        if me[i] != other[i] { return false }
    return true

struct Function {
    var returnType: Any.Type
    var argTypes: [Any.Type]
    var function: Any // ******* any function *******
    func perform(_ args: [Any]) -> Any {
        // ******* call function() with args, return result *******
        return 0
    func isCompatible(_ other: Function) -> Bool {
        return self.returnType == other.returnType &&
            equalTypes(argTypes, other.argTypes)

func vToV() {

func intToInt(_ i: Int) -> Int {
    return 4

let f = Function(returnType: Void.self,
                 argTypes: [],
                 function: vToV)
let r = f.perform([])

let f2 = Function(returnType: Int.self,
                 argTypes: [Int.self],
                 function: intToInt)
let r2 = f2.perform([12])


C. Keith Ray
Senior Software Engineer / Trainer / Agile Coach
* http://www.thirdfoundationsw.com/keith_ray_resume_2014_long.pdf

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