[swift-users] Can I have my cake and share it too with extensions?

Travis Griggs travisgriggs at gmail.com
Wed May 24 11:52:38 CDT 2017

In my own project, I add some extensions to Data and other objects to make building/parsing Data objects easier. Amongst others, I have extensions like this:

func += (data:inout Data, string:String) {
	data.append(string.data(using: .utf8)!)

func += (data:inout Data, convertible:DataConvertible) {

I use it widely.

But I’ve also been incorporated a small single file MQTT implementation (LightMQTT) that is shared as an ad hoc component with others. I’ve been trying to simplify the implementation of LightMQTT to use a similar technique, but the way things encode themselves is a little different (e.g. a string puts a 2 byte big endian count before itself, etc). Naively, I had added extensions like such:

protocol MQTTDataAppendable {
    static func += (data:inout Data, appendee:Self)

extension UInt8:MQTTDataAppendable {
    static func += (data:inout Data, appendee:UInt8) {

extension UInt16:MQTTDataAppendable {
    static func += (data:inout Data, appendee:UInt16) {
        data += UInt8((appendee & 0xFF00) >> 8) 
        data += UInt8(appendee & 0xFF)

extension String:MQTTDataAppendable {
    // http://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v3.1.1/os/mqtt-v3.1.1-os.html#_Toc398718016
    static func += (data:inout Data, appendee:String) {
        data += UInt16(appendee.utf8.count)
        data.append(appendee.data(using: .utf8)!)

So in the same code space, when I tried then use expressions like:

packet += “MQTT”

The compiler gets cornfuzzled because there’s of course ambiguous resolution of +=. I get why this is. The question I guess is can I pull this off (regardless of whether its a good idea or not, because I suspect it may not be, but I still want to know). I toyed with sprinkling fileprivate in front of those extensions, but it didn’t like the way I did it.

I could just make a Packet struct that wraps a Data struct I think, and that would keep the two from colliding. Curious what other solutions (good or bad) would allow the overloaded operator extensions to be disambiguated?

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