[swift-users] Why does casting to Any make my forced downcast not crash?

Kim Burgestrand kim at burgestrand.se
Wed Mar 15 06:47:46 CDT 2017

On Tue, 14 Mar 2017 at 19:50 Joe Groff <jgroff at apple.com> wrote:

> It shouldn't. Please file a bug, if you haven't already.

Will do! I'll file a bug that casting to `Any` first causes different

Follow-up question, looking at the expression `name as! T`, is it expected
to cause a nil-unwrapping runtime error when `name == nil` and `T ==
Optional<String>`? Mind you, `(nil as! Optional<String>)` does not cause an

If the nil-unwrapping error is expected, how can I write it so that it
doesn't, and instead returns nil?
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