[swift-users] Bool type and reading and writing operation atomicity

Dale Myers dalemy at microsoft.com
Wed Jan 18 03:53:02 CST 2017

Compiler optimisations are something I completely ignored in my reasoning, which as has been pointed out was clearly a mistake. 

We will switch to using something that provides atomic operations. 


-----Original Message-----
From: johannesweiss at apple.com [mailto:johannesweiss at apple.com] 
Sent: 17 January 2017 18:37
To: Dale Myers <dalemy at microsoft.com>
Cc: swift-users at swift.org
Subject: Re: [swift-users] Bool type and reading and writing operation atomicity


> Put simply, are reading and writing to Bools both atomic operations in Swift (3)?

you don't get a guarantee for that as Swift at the moment lacks both, a memory and a concurrency model.

> Obviously, something reading and then assigning assuming the value doesn't change between is not correct, but would something like the following be fine: 
>    var myBool = false
>    // Thread 1
>    while true {
>        if randomEvent() {
>            myBool = true
>        }
>    }
>    // Thread 2
>    while true {
>        if myBool {
>            print("Was set to true")
>        } else {
>            print("Not set")
>        }
>    }
> I understand that in thread 2, the value of myBool can change between the check and the print statements, but that's fine. What I want to confirm for my team is that `myBool` can never be in some weird "third" state?

As far as I know, you don't get a guarantee for that. But worse (and just like in C/C++/...) you most importantly don't get the guarantee that Thread 2 will ever see the change of Thread 1. The compiler could also optimise the code in Thread 2 to

while true {
   // if false {
   //     print("Was set to true")
   // } else {
          print("Not set")
   // }

ie. the compiler could 'prove' that `myBool` is never written (legally) and therefore delete all the code that assumes myBool != false.

I'm not saying the compiler is doing this today but AFAIK it could do so if it wanted.

> From what I can tell, behind the scenes, Bool uses a Builtin.Int1 for storage. I can't find the definition for this type anywhere so I can't check what it is really doing. My assumption is that it uses something like a C++ unsigned char behind the scenes, which would be fine with the above code on x86 and ARM as far as I'm aware. 

In C/C++ you'd need the new _Atomic variables to get that guarantee.

> [...]

Again, I'm not saying the compiler does do that but AFAIK it could do so legally. But one of the compiler people can answer these questions much better than I can.


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