[swift-users] dispatch concurrent map: is this right?

Karl razielim at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 16:36:12 CDT 2016

> On 31 Oct 2016, at 05:15, Dave Abrahams <dabrahams at apple.com> wrote:
> on Sun Oct 30 2016, Karl <razielim-AT-gmail.com <http://razielim-at-gmail.com/>> wrote:
>>> On 30 Oct 2016, at 19:23, Dave Abrahams via swift-users <swift-users at swift.org> wrote:
>>> on Sun Oct 30 2016, Karl <swift-users-AT-swift.org> wrote:
>>>>> On 30 Oct 2016, at 09:15, Karl <raziel.im+swift-users at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I had the need for a concurrent map recently. I had a part of a
>>>>> program which needed to read chunks of data and concurrently process
>>>>> them and assemble the results in an array. This isn’t necessarily as
>>>>> obvious as it sounds, because of arrays being value types. I came up
>>>>> with the following snippet which I’d like to check for correctness;
>>>>> it could also be helpful to others.
>>>>> Perhaps this is something Dispatch should provide out-of-the-box?
>>>>> - Karl
>>>> Ah one second, I was refactoring this and forgot to test it. Here’s the actual code:
>>> A map presumably requires an input 
>> DispatchQueue.concurrentMap maps a Range<Int> -> T, but since the
>> range is always 0..<n, we only ask for the value of n. It could also
>> be written quite naturally as an extension on Range and build
>> everything on top of it.
> Sorry, I wrote “a map presumably requires an input” before I realized
> what you were doing.  I should have deleted that.
>>>> extension DispatchQueue {
>>>> static func concurrentMap<T>(iterations: Int, execute block: (Int) -> T) -> [T] {
>>>>   let __result = UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.allocate(count: iterations * MemoryLayout<T>.stride)
>>>>   defer { __result.deallocate() }
>>>>   let _result  = __result.baseAddress?.assumingMemoryBound(to: T.self)
>>> You never bound the memory to T, so this will be undefined behavior.  
>>>>   let result   = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>(start: _result, count: iterations)
>>>>   concurrentPerform(iterations: iterations) { idx in
>>>>     result[idx] = block(idx)
>>> You also never initialized the Ts in that memory region, so assigning
>>> into them will also be undefined behavior.
>>>>   }
>>>>   return Array(result)
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> extension Array {
>>>> func concurrentMap<T>(execute block: (Element)->T) -> [T] {
>>>>   return DispatchQueue.concurrentMap(iterations: count) { block(self[$0]) }
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> Unfortunately I don’t think there’s a way to get an array to take over a +1
>>>> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer without copying.
>>> The only correct way to do this without creating intermediate storage is
>>> to have a way to initialize your result elements, e.g.:
>>> import Dispatch
>>> protocol DefaultInitializable {
>>>   init()
>>> }
>>> extension RandomAccessCollection {
>>>   func concurrentMap<T>(_ transform: (Iterator.Element)->T) -> [T]
>>>   where T : DefaultInitializable {
>>>     var result = Array(
>>>       repeating: T(), count: numericCast(self.count))
>>>     DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: result.count) {
>>>       offset in 
>>>       result[offset] = transform(
>>>         self[index(startIndex, offsetBy: numericCast(offset))])
>>>     }
>>>     return result
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> extension Int : DefaultInitializable {  }
>>> print((3..<20).concurrentMap { $0 * 2 })
>> I had a go at doing that before, using Optional<T> and unwrapping at
>> the end — but it occurred to me that it would be very inefficient for
>> things like Optional<Int>, and introduces more allocations.
> Yeah, optional is not really a good choice for that application.
>>> If you don't want the DefaultInitializable requirement (or some other
>>> way to prepare initialized elements), you'll need to manage memory
>>> yourself:
>>> extension RandomAccessCollection {
>>>   func concurrentMap<T>(_ transform: (Iterator.Element)->T) -> [T] {
>>>     let n = numericCast(self.count) as Int
>>>     let p = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.allocate(capacity: n)
>>>     defer { p.deallocate(capacity: n) }
>>>     DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: n) {
>>>       offset in
>>>       (p + offset).initialize(
>>>         to: transform(
>>>           self[index(startIndex, offsetBy: numericCast(offset))]))
>>>     }
>>>     return Array(UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: p, count: n))
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> This posting highlights a couple of weaknesses in the standard library
>>> for which I'd appreciate bug reports:
>>> 1. No way to arbitrarily initialize an Array's storage.
>>> 2. UnsafeMutableBufferPointer doesn't have an allocating init
>> Filed:
>> 1. https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-3087 <https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-3087>
>> 2. https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-3088 <https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-3088>
> Thanks for these!
>> What is your opinion on the corelibs extending the standard library
>> types? 
>> Foundation does it to provide APIs from NSString, but it’s kind of a
>> special case. 
> My opinion is that, *as a rule*, frameworks should avoid extending APIs
> from other frameworks; it makes it very hard for the author of the
> original type to manage the user experience of her type.  But there are
> exceptions to every rule ;-)
>> Would it be reasonable for Dispatch (which is not _such_ a special
>> case) to also extend types like Range and Collection?
> Oh, well now *Collection* is not a type (despite how it's defined in the
> language); it's a protocol.  Extending Collection is the best way to
> write generic algorithms over all Collections, so I support that.  But
> it does have to be done very judiciously, because you have to realize
> the API you are providing is going to appear on everything that conforms
> to Collection.
>> I quite like the API as an extension on Range. I think it would be a
>> nice addition to Dispatch (once we start allowing additive proposals):
>> extension Range where Bound : Strideable, Bound.Stride : SignedInteger {
>>  func concurrentMap<T>(_ transform: (Bound) -> T) -> [T] {
>>    let n        = numericCast(count) as Int
>>    let buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.allocate(capacity: n)
>>    DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: n) {
>>      (buffer + $0).initialize(to: transform(lowerBound + numericCast($0)))
>>    }
>>    // Unfortunately, the buffer is copied when making it an Array<T>.
>>    defer { buffer.deallocate(capacity: n) }
>>    return Array(UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>(start: buffer, count: n))
>>  }
>> }
>> extension Collection {
>>  func concurrentMap<T>(_ transform: (Iterator.Element)->T) -> [T] {
>>    // ‘as Range’ because CountableRange is a collection, causing the function to be recursive.
>>    return ((0..<numericCast(count)) as Range).concurrentMap {
>>      transform(self[index(startIndex, offsetBy: numericCast($0))])
>>    }
>>  }
>> }
> I see the beauty in what you're doing here, but I don't see any
> advantage to it for users.  Now Range (which will be collapsed with
> CountableRange in Swift 4) will have two overloads of concurrentMap.  In
> general, avoidable overloads are bad for the user experience.
> HTH,
> -- 
> -Dave

Notwithstanding your comment about `collection.parallel.map { }.filter {}`, the issue here is with the literal being interpreted as CountableRange. That can be really annoying in general, and I’m glad the different Range types are going away.

If Range conditionally conforms to Collection (say, when its Bound is Strideable), then `(0..<5).concurrentMap {}` should still call the function on Range because it’s “more specialised”, isn't that correct?


- Karl

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