[swift-users] Collection's "past the end" endIndex

Brent Royal-Gordon brent at architechies.com
Sat Jul 2 16:34:57 CDT 2016

> On Jul 2, 2016, at 11:40 AM, Jens Alfke via swift-users <swift-users at swift.org> wrote:
> It’s hard to handle empty collections, otherwise. If endIndex were the last valid subscript, then in an empty collection what would its value be? Presumably it would have to point to one before the start, which is rather weird because that’s never a valid index (in an int-indexed collection it would be negative.) Even worse, endIndex is never reachable from startIndex, so an iteration can’t simply continue until it reaches the endIndex. Instead the Indexable type would have to implement a (cheap, constant-time) >= operator to use as the test for an iteration.

To add to Jens's point, all of this adds up to simplify iterating over a collection with a `while` loop (remember, all loops are `while` loops eventually):
	// Without invalid endIndex:
	var index = c.startIndex
	var done = c.isEmpty
	while !done {
		if index == c.endIndex {
			done = true
		else {
			index = c.index(after: index)

	// With invalid endIndex:
	var index = c.startIndex
	while index != c.endIndex {
		index = c.index(after: index)

There are even more reasons than this one. For instance, having `endIndex` be past the end means that `insert(_:at:)` can insert after the last element of the collection, in addition to before any other element. It gives other range-based APIs similar powers. It means that `distance(from: startIndex, to: endIndex)` is the count of the elements in the collection. It means you natively use `Range` instead of `ClosedRange`, which (perhaps counterintuitively) is easier to reason about. And so on.

The manuscripts of famed computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra include a little note about ranges and zero-based indexes; its logic is intimately related to this: https://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/transcriptions/EWD08xx/EWD831.html

Brent Royal-Gordon

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