[swift-users] About benchmark in Linux

Zeson Wu westion717 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 04:13:59 CST 2016

Hi, all.

I'd like to run benchmark in Linux, but it is an unsupported platform.

I followed the steps in README.md of benchmark in github,

1 $ cd benchmark
2 $ mkdir build
3 $ cd build
4 $ cmake ..
5 $ make -j8 swift-benchmark-macosx-x86_64

I passed the 4th step and there is no interaction in step5 when I just
typed `make` simply, so I can not get the driver to run benchmark and I
decided to compile and run by myself.(Actually I just got Benchmark_Driver,
but it could not run with the error of `no such file` when execute child

I also found there are some Darwin API and libraries being used in test
cases and I modified some by replacing with Glic import and other Unix API
such as ones in time.h.What's more, I built the library Foundation in
swift-corelib-foundation, which is widely used in test cases.

There were a lot of trouble when I compiled and linked the source file to
binary because of unfamiliar with Swift Driver.

Finally, I have modified all cases and made them passed compiling, but it
run crash because of arbitrary modifying. So I wanted to compile them with
-g option,but the driver always went wrong.

So is there any portable benchmark? How can I port benchmark with minimum
modifying in a convenient way?

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