[swift-users] Request advice on closed range operator

Peter van der Linden pvdl at afu.com
Sun Feb 14 11:37:29 CST 2016

I'm a swift novice, possibly asking an elementary question.
I noticed that in some cases, a closed range produces a compiler error 

If you add whitespace before and after the closed range operator (in the 
example below), the error message goes away.
If you delete whitespace before and after the closed range operator, the 
error message also goes away.

If you have a space before the closed range operator, but not one after, 
you get an error message.
If you have a space after the closed range operator, but not one before, 
you get an error message.
Below is a small example that demonstrates the error.  Can anyone 
explain more about this?  I find it unusual that adding white space 
between two tokens can cause the compiler to emit an error message.   
Should I file a bug about this?


pvdl$ swift
Welcome to Apple Swift version 2.1.1 (swiftlang-700.1.101.15 
clang-700.1.81). Type :help for assistance.
   1>         let s1 = "foo"
   2.         let i = s1.startIndex
   3.         let j = s1.startIndex.advancedBy(1)
s1: String = "foo"
i: Index = {
   _base = {
     _position = 0
     _core = {
       _baseAddress = 0x000000010054d680
       _countAndFlags = 3
       _owner = nil
   _lengthUTF16 = 1
j: Index = {
   _base = {
     _position = 1
     _core = {
       _baseAddress = 0x000000010054d680
       _countAndFlags = 3
       _owner = nil
   _lengthUTF16 = 1
   4> var s2 = s1[ i ...j ]
repl.swift:4:16: error: expected ',' separator
var s2 = s1[ i ...j ]

   4>         var s2 = s1[ i...j ]
s2: String = "fo"
   5>         var s3 = s1[ i... j ]
repl.swift:5:27: error: expected ',' separator
         var s3 = s1[ i... j ]

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