[swift-users] Build specific Target instead of all

Stefan Bürk stefan.buerk at impactmedia.de
Sun Jan 31 13:22:33 CST 2016

Hi everyone,

I'm searching for a way to build only a specific Target(chain) instead of all targets in one build run.



Content of Packages.swift

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "ProjectName",
    targets: [
            name: "UtilOne",
            dependencies: []
            name: "UtilTwo",
            dependencies: []
            name: "UtilThree",
            dependencies: [
                .Target(name: "UtilOne")

    dependencies: []

For building the project:

$ swift build

This will build all three targets in one run.

What i need is to build a specific target, for example "UtilOne", which only builds the binary for UtilOne.

Or how to build two targets instead of all threes ?

Building target "UtilThree" should build UtilOne, because of the dependencies definition, but not UtilTwo.

I couldnot found any documentation or way to get behind this, is there a way to get this work ?

Freundliche Grüße
Stefan Bürk

impact.media GmbH
Hirschstr. 8
70173 Stuttgart
Fon +49-711-252698-00
Fax +49-711-252698-90
stefan.buerk at impactmedia.de <mailto:stefan.buerk at impactmedia.de>
http://www.impactmedia.de <http://www.impactmedia.de/>
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