[swift-users] Recommendation for thread-safe dictionary

Pelaia II, Tom pelaiata at ornl.gov
Thu Dec 10 11:24:20 CST 2015

I have one that I created for Swift on OS X which uses libdispatch to protect access to the underlying data:

/* dictionary that allows thread safe concurrent access */
final class ConcurrentDictionary<KeyType:Hashable,ValueType> : NSObject, SequenceType, DictionaryLiteralConvertible {
/* internal dictionary */
private var internalDictionary : [KeyType:ValueType]

/* queue modfications using a barrier and allow concurrent read operations */
private let queue = dispatch_queue_create( "dictionary access", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT )

/* count of key-value pairs in this dicitionary */
var count : Int {
var count = 0
dispatch_sync(self.queue) { () -> Void in
count = self.internalDictionary.count
return count

// safely get or set a copy of the internal dictionary value
var dictionary : [KeyType:ValueType] {
get {
var dictionaryCopy : [KeyType:ValueType]?
dispatch_sync(self.queue) { () -> Void in
dictionaryCopy = self.dictionary
return dictionaryCopy!

set {
let dictionaryCopy = newValue // create a local copy on the current thread
dispatch_async(self.queue) { () -> Void in
self.internalDictionary = dictionaryCopy

/* initialize an empty dictionary */
override convenience init() {
self.init( dictionary: [KeyType:ValueType]() )

/* allow a concurrent dictionary to be initialized using a dictionary literal of form: [key1:value1, key2:value2, ...] */
convenience required init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (KeyType, ValueType)...) {
var dictionary = Dictionary<KeyType,ValueType>()

for (key,value) in elements {
dictionary[key] = value

self.init(dictionary: dictionary)

/* initialize a concurrent dictionary from a copy of a standard dictionary */
init( dictionary: [KeyType:ValueType] ) {
self.internalDictionary = dictionary

/* provide subscript accessors */
subscript(key: KeyType) -> ValueType? {
get {
var value : ValueType?
dispatch_sync(self.queue) { () -> Void in
value = self.internalDictionary[key]
return value

set {
setValue(newValue, forKey: key)

/* assign the specified value to the specified key */
func setValue(value: ValueType?, forKey key: KeyType) {
// need to synchronize writes for consistent modifications
dispatch_barrier_async(self.queue) { () -> Void in
self.internalDictionary[key] = value

/* remove the value associated with the specified key and return its value if any */
func removeValueForKey(key: KeyType) -> ValueType? {
var oldValue : ValueType? = nil
// need to synchronize removal for consistent modifications
dispatch_barrier_sync(self.queue) { () -> Void in
oldValue = self.internalDictionary.removeValueForKey(key)
return oldValue

/* Generator of key-value pairs suitable for for-in loops */
func generate() -> Dictionary<KeyType,ValueType>.Generator {
var generator : Dictionary<KeyType,ValueType>.Generator!
dispatch_sync(self.queue) { () -> Void in
generator = self.internalDictionary.generate()
return generator

Thomas Pelaia II, Ph.D.  | Applications Leader, Accelerator Physics, Research Accelerator Division
Spallation Neutron Source  |  Oak Ridge National Lab, Building 8600, MS-6462, Oak Ridge, TN 37831
phone: (865) 414-7960  | FaceTime: t6p at ornl.gov<mailto:t6p at ornl.gov> |  fax: (865) 574-6617  |  homepage: http://www.ornl.gov/~t6p

On Dec 10, 2015, at 12:18 PM, swift-users <swift-users at swift.org<mailto:swift-users at swift.org>> wrote:


I'm writing some code where I'd like multiple threads to be writing to a common dictionary object.

Is there a recommended mechanism for doing this?


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