[swift-server-dev] HTTP API Review

Chris Bailey BAILEYC at uk.ibm.com
Fri Sep 8 10:33:47 CDT 2017

That does of course work as well - and may we'll be the preferred coding 
style. We should definitely document both approaches.


From:   Georgios Moschovitis <george.moschovitis at icloud.com>
To:     Chris Bailey <BAILEYC at uk.ibm.com>
Cc:     swift-server-dev at swift.org
Date:   04/09/2017 20:17
Subject:        Re: [swift-server-dev] HTTP API Review

How does the following look as a sample "Hello World" app? 

Looks much better to me. I would prefer the following though:

import HTTP

func handler(request: HTTPRequest, response: HTTPResponseWriter ) -> 
HTTPBodyProcessing { 
    response.writeHeader(status: .ok) 
    response.writeBody("Hello, World!") 
    return .discardBody 

try! HTTPServer().start(port: 8080, handler: handler)

import HTTP 

class MyServer: HTTPRequestHandling { 
    func handle(request: HTTPRequest, response: HTTPResponseWriter ) -> 
HTTPBodyProcessing { 
        response.writeHeader(status: .ok) 
        response.writeBody("Hello, World!") 
        return .discardBody 

let server = HTTPServer() 

try! server.start(port: 8080, handler: MyServer().handle) 


From:        Georgios Moschovitis <george.moschovitis at icloud.com> 
To:        Chris Bailey <BAILEYC at uk.ibm.com> 
Cc:        swift-server-dev at swift.org 
Date:        03/09/2017 07:44 
Subject:        Re: [swift-server-dev] HTTP API Review 

Had a (very) quick look, and in general it looks OK. 
One thing that bothers me in the example is this ***Handler <-> 
***Handling inconsistency.. 

class SimpleHandler: HTTPRequestHandling 

maybe something like 

class WebApp: HTTPRequestHandling { 

would make it less confusing? 


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