[swift-server-dev] Docker image for Swift (Ubuntu 14.04 & Cloud Foundry)

Ricardo N Olivieri ricardo.olivieri at us.ibm.com
Mon Jan 23 21:55:39 CST 2017

Hello all,

Just a quick fyi. At IBM, we have been using for almost a year the 
following Docker image for development & testing of our Swift-server side 


In the README, you can find further details about how to download the 
image from docker hub and how to start using it.

We encourage developers to use this image for development & testing if 
they plan to deploy their Swift applications to a Cloud Foundry 
environment. This docker image uses Ubuntu 14.04 which is the same Linux 
flavor used by Cloud Foundry-based offerings. We have seen several cases 
where developers use docker images based on Ubuntu 16.04 or 15.10 and then 
run into unexpected problems when running their apps on cloud offerings 
based on Cloud Foundry. Also, this docker image has been hardened to meet 
basic guidelines and common practices from a security perspective (for 
further details, see the Vulnerability Advisor documentation for docker 
images: https://www.ibm.com/blogs/bluemix/2015/07/vulnerability-advisor/).

   Ricardo Olivieri
   Software Engineer
   IBM Swift Engineering at IBM Cloud

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