[swift-server-dev] Next HTTP stream meeting

Chris Bailey BAILEYC at uk.ibm.com
Fri Dec 2 06:56:31 CST 2016

No strong reason. Privacy just seems like a reasonable default.

From:   Paulo Faria <paulo at zewo.io>
To:     Chris Bailey/UK/IBM at IBMGB
Cc:     swift-server-dev at swift.org
Date:   01/12/2016 19:10
Subject:        Re: [swift-server-dev] Next HTTP stream meeting

Any reason the poll is hidden? Just curious.


On Dec 1, 2016, at 3:55 PM, Chris Bailey via swift-server-dev <
swift-server-dev at swift.org> wrote:

I've set up a Doodle poll and an initial agenda/minutes document for the 
next HTTP stream meeting: 

Doodle Poll:                http://doodle.com/poll/5bz8bzawuafs7e58 

If you’d like to take part, but can’t make any of the available times, 
fill in your name and select “Cannot make it”. If there’s enough people 
that cannot make it, we’ll postpone to a later date. 

The initial agenda items are as follows: 
Current discussion status roundup 
Value Types vs. Reference Types 
Use of NSHTTPURLRequest/Response 
Experiences of adding HTTP/2 support to Node.js (dependent on availability 
of James Snell)

If you'd like to add an item to the agenda, please add it to the document 


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