[swift-lldb-dev] [Swift CI] Build Still Failing: 0. OSS - LLDB Incremental - OS X (master) #2428

Chris Willmore cwillmore at apple.com
Fri Apr 8 17:58:05 CDT 2016

> [xUnit] [INFO] - Starting to record.
> [xUnit] [INFO] - Processing JUnit
> [xUnit] [INFO] - [JUnit] - No test report file(s) were found with the pattern 'Ninja-DebugAssert/lldb-macosx-x86_64/test-results/results.xml' relative to '/Users/buildnode/jenkins/workspace/oss-lldb-incremental-osx' for the testing framework 'JUnit'.  Did you enter a pattern relative to the correct directory?  Did you generate the result report(s) for 'JUnit'?
> [xUnit] [ERROR] - No test reports found for the metric 'JUnit' with the resolved pattern 'Ninja-DebugAssert/lldb-macosx-x86_64/test-results/results.xml'. Configuration error?.
> [xUnit] [INFO] - Failing BUILD.
> [xUnit] [INFO] - There are errors when processing test results.
> [xUnit] [INFO] - Skipping tests recording.
> [xUnit] [INFO] - Stop build.

CI issue?
-- Chris Willmore

> On Apr 8, 2016, at 3:49 PM, no-reply at swift.org wrote:
> New issue found!
> [FAILURE] oss-lldb-incremental-osx [#2428]
> Build URL:	https://ci.swift.org/job/oss-lldb-incremental-osx/2428/ <https://ci.swift.org/job/oss-lldb-incremental-osx/2428/>
> Project:	oss-lldb-incremental-osx
> Date of build:	Fri, 08 Apr 2016 14:37:02 -0700
> Build duration:	1 hr 11 min
> Changes
> Commit 58505c645703e0b18ddce57de1d3d4d756f10122 by cwillmore:
> [ClangImporter] Use components of Objective-C selector, not Swift name,
> edit: lib/ClangImporter/ImportType.cpp
> Commit 73d5077bae067fe6b1d281e61b981582b92904a1 by cwillmore:
> Add API notes for Foundation following internal Swift 3 naming audit.
> edit: test/1_stdlib/NSStringAPI.swift
> edit: validation-test/stdlib/SceneKit.swift
> edit: test/Interpreter/SDK/Foundation_test.swift
> edit: apinotes/Foundation.apinotes
> edit: test/1_stdlib/Reflection_objc.swift
> edit: test/Interpreter/builtin_bridge_object.swift
> edit: test/1_stdlib/BridgeStorage.swift.gyb
> edit: stdlib/public/SDK/Foundation/NSStringAPI.swift
> edit: test/SILOptimizer/cast_folding_objc.swift
> edit: test/Interpreter/SDK/Foundation_NSLog.swift
> edit: test/IDE/print_omit_needless_words.swift
> edit: test/SILOptimizer/bridged_casts_folding.swift
> edit: test/Interpreter/SDK/Cocoa_repl.swift
> edit: test/Interpreter/SDK/objc_subclass.swift
> edit: test/Interpreter/SDK/Foundation_NSString.swift
> edit: test/Interpreter/imported_objc_generics.swift
> edit: test/Interpreter/SDK/dictionary_pattern_matching.swift
> edit: stdlib/public/SDK/Foundation/Foundation.swift
> edit: test/Interpreter/SDK/objc_cast.swift
> edit: test/ClangModules/objc_parse.swift
> edit: test/1_stdlib/StringDiagnostics.swift
> Commit a4484ffa09ae2d1a9887c7c126947d3639715a83 by cwillmore:
> Fix use of String.componentsSeparated(by:) in benchmark.
> edit: benchmark/utils/ArgParse.swift
> Commit c1486f45283328840df1062fe533fa15b44235ff by gribozavr:
> build-script: unset *_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET variables
> edit: utils/build-script
> Commit 766ec591a5eca28b276802a21defa1290e929da4 by cwillmore:
> Fix DebugInfo/bbentry-location.swift for NSItemProvider Swift API change
> edit: test/DebugInfo/bbentry-location.swift
> Commit 70cbf39e4d602de4b82b17dcbaf04349eee19c59 by todd.fiala:
> fix swig binding generation to pass through #ifdef  __APPLE__ in typemap
> edit: scripts/Python/python-typemaps.swig

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