[swift-evolution] Idea: Properties in Failable Initializers less verbose

philohan95 iosdev95 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 25 04:43:52 CDT 2017

I think the current way to initiate models in a Failable Initializer `init?()` is overly verbose and should be shortened down so less boilerplate should be needed.

The current way:

let someProperty: Any
let anotherProperty: Any

init?(data: [String: Any]) {
		let someProperty = data["some_key"],
		let anotherProperty = data["another_key"]
	else {
		return nil

	self. someProperty = someProperty
	self. anotherProperty = anotherProperty

As you can see we had to use the properties twice (this would also be the case of `if let`) making the initializer twice as long as necessary and becomes a pain to implement when having more than 1 property.

My idea is extending the power of the `guard` statement

	init?(data: [String: Any]) {
			someProperty = data["some_key"], // Currently fails because `self` us used before all stored properties are initialized
			anotherProperty = data["another_key"]
		else {
			return nil

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