[swift-evolution] [Pitch] `let` in protocols

Robert Bennett rltbennett at icloud.com
Fri Jun 23 16:43:06 CDT 2017

Hello Swift Evolution,

I’m bumping into an annoying problem with protocols. In a class or struct it is common to have a `let` instance variable and assign it in `init`. Unfortunately there is no way to translate this into a protocol with init in an extension. If attempting to set the variable in init in an extension, it must be of type { get set }, which means it cannot be a `let` constant in the conforming type. AFAIK there is no way around this — if you want to set an instance variable in an initializer in a protocol extension, it must be marked as { get set }. The alternative is to write the initializer separately for each adopting type, but this violates DRY.

Hence, I am proposing a third option to go along with `get` and `set` in a protocol. This would indicate that the variable can be a constant, but is settable in an initializer. In this case, the conforming type *must* use `let` to declare the variable.

Option 1: the keyword `let`. If present, it would need to be the only thing in the curly brackets because it simultaneously implies `get` and not `set`.

protocol P {
    var x: Int { let }
    init(_ x: Int)
    func modifyX()
extension P {
    init(_ x: Int) {
        self.x = x // This is ok; would not be ok if x were marked { get }

    func modifyX() {
        self.x += 1 // Not allowed

struct S: P {
    let x: Int // This is ok; would not be ok if x were marked { get set }

Option 2: `set(init)`. Can (and often will) coexist with `get`.

protocol P {
    var x: Int { get set(init) }
    init(_ x: Int)
    func modifyX()
extension P {
    init(_ x: Int) {
        self.x = x // This is ok; would not be ok if x were marked { get }

    func modifyX() {
        self.x += 1 // Not allowed

struct S: P {
    let x: Int // This is ok; would not be ok if x were marked { get set }

I’d like to hear all of your thoughts on this.


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